Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/interface/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/interface/admin_ui_list.php |
<?php use Bitrix\Main\Text\HtmlFilter; use Bitrix\Main\Grid\Editor\Types; use Bitrix\Main\Grid\Panel; use Bitrix\Main\UI\Filter\Options; use Bitrix\Main\Grid\Context; class CAdminUiList extends CAdminList { public $enableNextPage = false; public $totalRowCount = 0; protected $filterPresets = array(); protected $currentPreset = array(); private $isShownContext = false; private $contextSettings = array(); /** @var CAdminUiContextMenu */ public $context = false; public function AddHeaders($aParams) { parent::AddHeaders($aParams); $this->SetVisibleHeaderColumn(); } public function SetVisibleHeaderColumn() { $gridOptions = new Bitrix\Main\Grid\Options($this->table_id); $gridColumns = $gridOptions->GetVisibleColumns(); if ($gridColumns) { $this->arVisibleColumns = array(); $this->aVisibleHeaders = array(); foreach ($gridColumns as $columnId) { if (isset($this->aHeaders[$columnId]) && !isset($this->aVisibleHeaders[$columnId])) { $this->arVisibleColumns[] = $columnId; $this->aVisibleHeaders[$columnId] = $this->aHeaders[$columnId]; } } } } public function SetNavigationParams(\CAdminUiResult $queryObject, $params = array()) { if ($this->isPublicMode) { unset($params["BASE_LINK"]); } $queryObject->setNavigationParams($params); $this->NavText($queryObject->GetNavPrint("")); $this->totalRowCount = $queryObject->NavRecordCount; $this->enableNextPage = $queryObject->PAGEN < $queryObject->NavPageCount; } public function setNavigation(\Bitrix\Main\UI\PageNavigation $nav, $title, $showAllways = true, $post = false) { global $APPLICATION; $this->totalRowCount = $nav->getRecordCount(); $this->enableNextPage = $nav->getCurrentPage() < $nav->getPageCount(); ob_start(); $APPLICATION->IncludeComponent( "bitrix:main.pagenavigation", "grid", array( "NAV_OBJECT" => $nav, "TITLE" => $title, "PAGE_WINDOW" => 5, "SHOW_ALWAYS" => $showAllways, "POST" => $post, "TABLE_ID" => $this->table_id, ), false, array( "HIDE_ICONS" => "Y", ) ); $this->NavText(ob_get_clean()); } public function getNavSize() { $gridOptions = new Bitrix\Main\Grid\Options($this->table_id); $navParams = $gridOptions->getNavParams(); return $navParams["nPageSize"]; } public function EditAction() { if($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST" && !empty($_REQUEST["action_button_".$this->table_id]) && check_bitrix_sessid()) { $arrays = array(&$_POST, &$_REQUEST, &$GLOBALS); foreach ($arrays as $i => &$array) { $customFields = []; if(is_array($array["FIELDS"])) { foreach ($array["FIELDS"] as $id => &$fields) { if(is_array($fields)) { CUtil::decodeURIComponent($fields); $keys = array_keys($fields); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (preg_match("/_custom/i", $key, $match)) { if (!is_array($arrays[$i]["FIELDS"][$id][$key])) { continue; } foreach ($arrays[$i]["FIELDS"][$id][$key] as $index => $value) { if (!isset($value["name"]) || !isset($value["value"])) { continue; } if (preg_match_all("/(.*?)\[(.*?)\]/", $value["name"], $listMatchKeys)) { $listPreparedKeys = []; foreach ($listMatchKeys as $matchKeys) { foreach ($matchKeys as $matchKey) { if (!is_string($matchKey) || strlen(trim($matchKey)) == 0) { continue; } if (strpos($matchKey, "[") === false && strpos($matchKey, "]") === false) { $listPreparedKeys[] = $matchKey; } } } $listPreparedKeys[] = $value["value"]; $customFields = array_replace_recursive($customFields, $this->prepareCustomKey( array_shift($listPreparedKeys), $listPreparedKeys)); } } unset($arrays[$i]["FIELDS"][$id][$key]); } if(($c = substr($key, 0, 1)) == '~' || $c == '=') { unset($arrays[$i]["FIELDS"][$id][$key]); } } } } } if ($customFields) { $arrays[$i] = array_replace_recursive($arrays[$i], $customFields); } } return true; } return false; } private function prepareCustomKey($key, array $keys) { return (count($keys) == 1 ? [$key => array_shift($keys)] : [$key => $this->prepareCustomKey(array_shift($keys), $keys)]); } public function GroupAction() { if (!check_bitrix_sessid()) { return false; } if (is_array($_REQUEST["action"])) { foreach ($_REQUEST["action"] as $actionKey => $actionValue) $_REQUEST[$actionKey] = $actionValue; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["action_button_".$this->table_id])) { $_REQUEST["action"] = $_REQUEST["action_button_".$this->table_id]; $_REQUEST["action_button"] = $_REQUEST["action_button_".$this->table_id]; } if (!empty($_REQUEST["bxajaxid"])) { global $adminSidePanelHelper; $adminSidePanelHelper->setSkipResponse(true); } if ((empty($_REQUEST["action_all_rows_".$this->table_id]) || $_REQUEST["action_all_rows_".$this->table_id] === "N") && isset($_REQUEST["ID"])) { if(!is_array($_REQUEST["ID"])) $arID = array($_REQUEST["ID"]); else $arID = $_REQUEST["ID"]; return $arID; } else { return array(""); } } public function ActionDoGroup($id, $action_id, $add_params = "") { $listParams = explode("&", $add_params); $addParams = array(); if ($listParams) { foreach($listParams as $param) { $explode = explode("=", $param); if ($explode[0] && $explode[1]) { $addParams[$explode[0]] = $explode[1]; } } } $postParams = array_merge(array( "action_button_".$this->table_id => $action_id, "ID" => $id ), $addParams); return $this->ActionAjaxPostGrid($postParams); } public function AddGroupActionTable($arActions, $arParams = array()) { $this->arActions = $arActions; $this->arActionsParams = $arParams; } public function ActionAjaxPostGrid($postParams) { return "BX.Main.gridManager.getById('".$this->table_id."').instance.reloadTable('POST', ". CUtil::PhpToJsObject($postParams).");"; } public function AddFilter(array $filterFields, array &$arFilter) { $filterOption = new Bitrix\Main\UI\Filter\Options($this->table_id); $filterData = $filterOption->getFilter($filterFields); $filterable = array(); $quickSearchKey = ""; foreach ($filterFields as $filterField) { if (isset($filterField["quickSearch"])) { $quickSearchKey = $filterField["quickSearch"].$filterField["id"]; } $filterable[$filterField["id"]] = $filterField["filterable"]; } foreach ($filterData as $fieldId => $fieldValue) { if ((is_array($fieldValue) && empty($fieldValue)) || (is_string($fieldValue) && strlen($fieldValue) <= 0)) { continue; } if (substr($fieldId, -5) == "_from") { $realFieldId = substr($fieldId, 0, strlen($fieldId)-5); if (!array_key_exists($realFieldId, $filterable)) { continue; } if (substr($realFieldId, -2) == "_1") { $arFilter[$realFieldId] = $fieldValue; } else { if (!empty($filterData[$realFieldId."_numsel"]) && $filterData[$realFieldId."_numsel"] == "more") $filterPrefix = ">"; else $filterPrefix = ">="; $arFilter[$filterPrefix.$realFieldId] = trim($fieldValue); } } elseif (substr($fieldId, -3) == "_to") { $realFieldId = substr($fieldId, 0, strlen($fieldId)-3); if (!array_key_exists($realFieldId, $filterable)) { continue; } if (substr($realFieldId, -2) == "_1") { $realFieldId = substr($realFieldId, 0, strlen($realFieldId)-2); $arFilter[$realFieldId."_2"] = $fieldValue; } else { if (!empty($filterData[$realFieldId."_numsel"]) && $filterData[$realFieldId."_numsel"] == "less") $filterPrefix = "<"; else $filterPrefix = "<="; $arFilter[$filterPrefix.$realFieldId] = trim($fieldValue); } } else { if (array_key_exists($fieldId, $filterable)) { $filterPrefix = $filterable[$fieldId]; $arFilter[$filterPrefix.$fieldId] = $fieldValue; } if ($fieldId == "FIND" && trim($fieldValue) && $quickSearchKey) { $arFilter[$quickSearchKey] = $fieldValue; } } } } public function hasGroupErrors() { return (bool)(count($this->arGroupErrors)); } public function getGroupErrors() { $error = ""; foreach ($this->arGroupErrors as $groupError) { $error .= " ".$groupError; } return $error; } public function setContextSettings(array $settings) { $this->contextSettings = $settings; } public function AddAdminContextMenu($aContext=array(), $bShowExcel=true, $bShowSettings=true) { /** @global CMain $APPLICATION */ global $APPLICATION; $aAdditionalMenu = array(); if ($bShowExcel) { if ($this->contextSettings["pagePath"]) { $pageParam = (!empty($_GET) ? http_build_query($_GET, "", "&") : ""); $pagePath = $this->contextSettings["pagePath"]."?".$pageParam; $pageParams = array("mode" => "excel"); if ($this->isPublicMode) $pageParams["public"] = "y"; $link = CHTTP::urlAddParams($pagePath, $pageParams); } else { $link = CHTTP::urlAddParams($APPLICATION->GetCurPageParam(), array("mode" => "excel")); } $aAdditionalMenu[] = array( "TEXT" => "Excel", "TITLE" => GetMessage("admin_lib_excel"), "LINK" => $link, "GLOBAL_ICON"=>"adm-menu-excel", ); } if (count($aContext) > 0 || count($aAdditionalMenu) > 0) $this->context = new CAdminUiContextMenu($aContext, $aAdditionalMenu); } private function GetGroupAction() { $actionPanelConstructor = new CAdminUiListActionPanel( $this->table_id, $this->arActions, $this->arActionsParams); return $actionPanelConstructor->getActionPanel(); } public function &AddRow($id = false, $arRes = Array(), $link = false, $title = false) { $row = new CAdminUiListRow($this->aHeaders, $this->table_id); $row->id = $id; $row->arRes = $arRes; if ($this->isPublicMode) { $selfFolderUrl = (defined("SELF_FOLDER_URL") ? SELF_FOLDER_URL : "/bitrix/admin/"); $reqValue = "/".str_replace("/", "\/", $selfFolderUrl)."/i"; if (!empty($link) && !preg_match($reqValue, $link) && preg_match("/\.php/i", $link)) { $link = $selfFolderUrl.$link; } } $row->link = $link; $row->title = $title; $row->pList = &$this; $row->bEditMode = true; $this->aRows[] = &$row; return $row; } /** * The method set the default fields for the filter. * * @param array $fields array("fieldId1", "fieldId2", "fieldId3") */ public function setDefaultFilterFields(array $fields) { $filterOptions = new Bitrix\Main\UI\Filter\Options($this->table_id); $filterOptions->setFilterSettings( "default_filter", array("rows" => $fields), false ); $filterOptions->save(); } /** * The method set filter presets. * * @param array $filterPresets array("presetId" => array("name" => "presetName", "fields" => array(...))) */ public function setFilterPresets(array $filterPresets) { $this->filterPresets = $filterPresets; foreach ($filterPresets as $filterPreset) { if (!empty($filterPreset["current"])) { $this->currentPreset = $filterPreset; } } } public function deletePreset($presetId) { $options = new Options($this->table_id); $options->deleteFilter($presetId); $options->save(); } public function DisplayFilter(array $filterFields = array()) { global $APPLICATION; $params = array( "FILTER_ID" => $this->table_id, "GRID_ID" => $this->table_id, "FILTER" => $filterFields, "FILTER_PRESETS" => $this->filterPresets, "ENABLE_LABEL" => true, "ENABLE_LIVE_SEARCH" => true ); if ($this->currentPreset) { $options = new Options($this->table_id, $this->filterPresets); $options->setFilterSettings($this->currentPreset["id"], $this->currentPreset, true, false); $options->save(); } if ($this->context) { $this->context->setFilterContextParam(true); } if ($this->isPublicMode) { ob_start(); ?> <div class="pagetitle-container pagetitle-flexible-space"> <? $APPLICATION->includeComponent( "bitrix:main.ui.filter", "", $params, false, array("HIDE_ICONS" => true) ); ?> </div> <? $APPLICATION->AddViewContent("inside_pagetitle", ob_get_clean()); } else { $APPLICATION->SetAdditionalCSS('/bitrix/css/main/grid/webform-button.css'); ?> <div class="adm-toolbar-panel-container"> <div class="adm-toolbar-panel-flexible-space"> <? $APPLICATION->includeComponent( "bitrix:main.ui.filter", "", $params, false, array("HIDE_ICONS" => true) ); ?> </div> <? $this->ShowContext(); ?> </div> <? } $this->createFilterSelectorHandlers($filterFields); ?> <script type="text/javascript"> BX.ready(function () { if (!window['filter_<?=$this->table_id?>'] || !BX.is_subclass_of(window['filter_<?=$this->table_id?>'], BX.adminUiFilter)) { window['filter_<?=$this->table_id?>'] = new BX.adminUiFilter('<?=$this->table_id?>', <?=CUtil::PhpToJsObject(array())?>); } }); </script> <? } private function createFilterSelectorHandlers(array $filterFields = array()) { $selfFolderUrl = (defined("SELF_FOLDER_URL") ? SELF_FOLDER_URL : "/bitrix/admin/"); foreach ($filterFields as $filterField) { if (isset($filterField["type"]) && $filterField["type"] !== "custom_entity") { continue; } if (isset($filterField["selector"]) && isset($filterField["selector"]["type"])) { switch ($filterField["selector"]["type"]) { case "user": ?> <script> BX.ready(function() { if (!window["userFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"]) { var params = { filterId: "<?=$this->table_id?>", fieldId: "<?=$filterField["id"]?>", languageId: "<?=LANGUAGE_ID?>", selfFolderUrl: "<?=$selfFolderUrl?>" }; window["userFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"] = new BX.adminUserFilterHandler(params); } }); if (typeof(SUVsetUserId_<?=$filterField["id"]?>) === "undefined") { function SUVsetUserId_<?=$filterField["id"]?>(userId) { if (window["userFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"]) { var adminUserFilterHandler = window["userFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"]; adminUserFilterHandler.setSelected(userId); } } } </script> <? break; case "product": ?> <script> BX.ready(function() { if (!window["productFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"]) { var params = { filterId: "<?=$this->table_id?>", fieldId: "<?=$filterField["id"]?>", languageId: "<?=LANGUAGE_ID?>", publicMode: "<?=($this->isPublicMode ? "Y" : "N")?>", selfFolderUrl: "<?=$selfFolderUrl?>" }; window["productFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"] = new BX.adminProductFilterHandler(params); } }); if (typeof(FillProductFields_<?=$filterField["id"]?>) === "undefined") { function FillProductFields_<?=$filterField["id"]?>(product) { if (window["productFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"]) { var adminProductFilterHandler = window["productFilterHandler_<?=$filterField["id"]?>"]; adminProductFilterHandler.closeProductSearchDialog(); adminProductFilterHandler.setSelected(product["id"], product["name"]); } } } </script> <? break; } } } } public function DisplayList($arParams = array()) { $errorMessage = ""; foreach ($this->arFilterErrors as $error) $errorMessage .= " ".$error; foreach ($this->arUpdateErrors as $arError) $errorMessage .= " ".$arError[0]; foreach ($this->arGroupErrors as $arError) $errorMessage .= " ".$arError[0]; if (Context::isValidateRequest()) { global $adminAjaxHelper; if (!is_object($adminAjaxHelper)) { require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_ROOT."/modules/main/interface/admin_lib.php"); $adminAjaxHelper = new CAdminAjaxHelper(); } global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->RestartBuffer(); if ($errorMessage) { $adminAjaxHelper->sendJsonResponse(array("messages" => array( array("TYPE" => Bitrix\Main\Grid\MessageType::ERROR, "TEXT" => $errorMessage))) ); } else { $adminAjaxHelper->sendJsonResponse(array("messages" => array())); } } global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->SetAdditionalCSS('/bitrix/css/main/grid/webform-button.css'); foreach(GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAdminListDisplay", true) as $arEvent) ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(&$this)); echo $this->sPrologContent; $selfFolderUrl = (defined("SELF_FOLDER_URL") ? SELF_FOLDER_URL : "/bitrix/admin/"); $this->ShowContext(); $gridParameters = array( "GRID_ID" => $this->table_id, "AJAX_MODE" => "Y", "AJAX_OPTION_JUMP" => "N", "AJAX_OPTION_HISTORY" => "N", "SHOW_PAGESIZE" => true, "AJAX_ID" => CAjax::getComponentID("bitrix:main.ui.grid", ".default", ""), "ALLOW_PIN_HEADER" => true, "ALLOW_VALIDATE" => true ); $actionPanel = $arParams["ACTION_PANEL"] ? $arParams["ACTION_PANEL"] : $this->GetGroupAction(); if ($actionPanel) { $gridParameters["ACTION_PANEL"] = $actionPanel; } else { $gridParameters["SHOW_CHECK_ALL_CHECKBOXES"] = false; $gridParameters["SHOW_ROW_CHECKBOXES"] = false; $gridParameters["SHOW_SELECTED_COUNTER"] = false; $gridParameters["SHOW_ACTION_PANEL"] = false; } $gridOptions = new Bitrix\Main\Grid\Options($gridParameters["GRID_ID"]); $defaultSort = array(); if ($this->sort instanceof CAdminSorting) { $defaultSort = array("sort" => array($this->sort->getField() => $this->sort->getOrder())); } $sorting = $gridOptions->GetSorting($defaultSort); $gridParameters["SORT"] = $sorting["sort"]; $gridParameters["SORT_VARS"] = $sorting["vars"]; $gridColumns = $gridOptions->getVisibleColumns(); if (empty($gridColumns)) $gridColumns = array_keys($this->aVisibleHeaders); $gridParameters["ENABLE_NEXT_PAGE"] = $this->enableNextPage; $gridParameters["TOTAL_ROWS_COUNT"] = $this->totalRowCount; if ($this->sNavText) { $gridParameters["NAV_STRING"] = $this->sNavText; } else { $gridParameters["SHOW_PAGINATION"] = false; } $gridParameters["PAGE_SIZES"] = array( array("NAME" => "5", "VALUE" => "5"), array("NAME" => "10", "VALUE" => "10"), array("NAME" => "20", "VALUE" => "20"), array("NAME" => "50", "VALUE" => "50"), array("NAME" => "100", "VALUE" => "100"), array("NAME" => "200", "VALUE" => "200"), array("NAME" => "500", "VALUE" => "500") ); $gridParameters["ROWS"] = array(); foreach ($this->aRows as $row) { $gridRow = array( "id" => $row->id, "actions" => $row->aActions ); if ($arParams["default_action"]) { if ($this->isPublicMode) { if (!empty($row->link)) { $row->link = str_replace("/bitrix/admin/", $selfFolderUrl, $row->link); } } $gridRow["default_action"] = array(); $gridRow["default_action"]["href"] = htmlspecialcharsback($row->link); if ($row->title) $gridRow["default_action"]["title"] = $row->title; } elseif ($row->link) { $gridRow["default_action"] = array(); if ($this->isPublicMode) $gridRow["default_action"]["onclick"] = "BX.adminSidePanel.onOpenPage('".$row->link."');"; else $gridRow["default_action"]["href"] = htmlspecialcharsback($row->link); if ($row->title) $gridRow["default_action"]["title"] = $row->title; } else { $gridRow["default_action"] = array(); $gridRow["default_action"]["onclick"] = ""; } foreach ($row->aFields as $fieldId => $field) { if (!empty($field["edit"]["type"])) $this->SetHeaderEditType($fieldId, $field); } $listEditable = array(); foreach (array_diff_key($this->aHeaders, $row->aFields) as $fieldId => $field) { $listEditable[$fieldId] = false; } foreach ($gridColumns as $columnId) { $field = $row->aFields[$columnId]; if (!is_array($row->arRes[$columnId])) $value = trim($row->arRes[$columnId]); else $value = $row->arRes[$columnId]; $editValue = $value; if (isset($field["edit"]["type"])) { switch ($field["edit"]["type"]) { case "html": $editValue = $field["edit"]["value"]; break; } } $gridRow["data"][$columnId] = $editValue; if (isset($field["view"]["type"])) { switch ($field["view"]["type"]) { case "checkbox": if ($value == "Y") $value = htmlspecialcharsex(GetMessage("admin_lib_list_yes")); else $value = htmlspecialcharsex(GetMessage("admin_lib_list_no")); break; case "select": if ($field["edit"]["values"][$value]) $value = htmlspecialcharsex($field["edit"]["values"][$value]); break; case "file": $value = $value ? CFileInput::Show("fileInput", $value, $field["view"]["showInfo"], $field["view"]["inputs"]) : ""; break; case "html": $value = (!empty(trim($field["view"]["value"])) ? $field["view"]["value"] : $value); break; default: $value = htmlspecialcharsex($value); break; } } else { $value = htmlspecialcharsbx($value); } $gridRow["columns"][$columnId] = $value; $gridRow["editable"] = $listEditable; } $gridParameters["ROWS"][] = $gridRow; } $gridParameters["COLUMNS"] = array(); foreach ($this->aHeaders as $header) { $header["name"] = $header["content"]; $gridParameters["COLUMNS"][] = $header; } if ($errorMessage <> "") { $gridParameters["MESSAGES"] = array( array( "TYPE" => Bitrix\Main\Grid\MessageType::ERROR, "TEXT" => $errorMessage ) ); } $APPLICATION->includeComponent( "bitrix:main.ui.grid", "", $gridParameters, false, array("HIDE_ICONS" => "Y") ); echo $this->sEpilogContent; $arParams["publicMode"] = $this->isPublicMode; ?> <script type="text/javascript"> if (!window['<?=$this->table_id?>'] || !BX.is_subclass_of(window['<?=$this->table_id?>'], BX.adminUiList)) { window['<?=$this->table_id?>'] = new BX.adminUiList( '<?=$this->table_id?>', <?=CUtil::PhpToJsObject($arParams)?>); } BX.adminChain.addItems("<?=$this->table_id?>_navchain_div"); </script> <? } private function ShowContext() { if ($this->context && !$this->isShownContext) { $this->isShownContext = true; $this->context->Show(); } } private function SetHeaderEditType($headerId, $field) { if (!isset($this->aHeaders[$headerId])) { return; } if (isset($this->aHeaders[$headerId]["editable"]) && $this->aHeaders[$headerId]["editable"] === false) { return; } switch ($field["edit"]["type"]) { case "input": $editable = array("TYPE" => Types::TEXT); break; case "calendar": $editable = array("TYPE" => Types::DATE); break; case "checkbox": $editable = array("TYPE" => Types::CHECKBOX); break; case "select": $editable = array( "TYPE" => Types::DROPDOWN, "items" => $field["edit"]["values"] ); break; case "html": $editable = array("TYPE" => Types::CUSTOM, "HTML" => $field["edit"]["value"]); break; default: $editable = array("TYPE" => Types::TEXT); } $this->aHeaders[$headerId]["editable"] = $editable; } } /** * Class CAdminUiListActionPanel * A class for working with group actions. Allows you to create your own group actions. Example of use: // The array for $lAdmin->AddGroupActionTable($arGroupActions, $arParamsGroupActions); $arGroupActions['test_my_type'] = array('type' => 'my_type', 'name' => 'Check custom actions'); $actionPanelConstructor = new CAdminUiListActionPanel( $this->table_id, $this->arActions, $this->arActionsParams); //Set your own section $actionPanelConstructor->setActionSections(["my_section" => []], ["default"]); //Set your own action type $actionPanelConstructor->setTypeToSectionMap(["my_type" => "my_section"]); //Set handler for your type $actionPanelConstructor->setHandlerToType(["my_type" => function ($actionKey, $action) { $onChange = [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CREATE, "DATA" => [ [ 'TYPE' => Panel\Types::CUSTOM, 'ID' => 'my_custom_html', 'VALUE' => '<b>Hello!</b>', ] ] ] ]; return [ "ID" => $actionKey, "TYPE" => Bitrix\Main\Grid\Panel\Types::BUTTON, "TEXT" => $action["name"], "ONCHANGE" => $onChange ]; }]); return $actionPanelConstructor->getActionPanel(); */ class CAdminUiListActionPanel { private $tableId; private $inputActions; private $inputActionsParams; /** * @var Panel\Snippet */ private $gridSnippets; private $actionSections = []; private $mapTypesAndSections = [ "edit" => "default", "delete" => "default", "button" => "button", "select" => "list", "customjs" => "list", "html" => "html", "for_all" => "forAll" ]; private $mapTypesAndHandlers = []; public function __construct($tableId, array $actions, array $actionsParams) { $this->tableId = $tableId; $this->inputActions = $actions; $this->inputActionsParams = $actionsParams; $this->gridSnippets = new Panel\Snippet(); $this->actionSections = [ "default" => [], "button" => [], "list" => [ "TYPE" => Panel\Types::DROPDOWN, "ID" => "base_action_select_{$this->tableId}", "NAME" => "action_button_{$this->tableId}", "ITEMS" => [ [ "NAME" => GetMessage("admin_lib_list_actions"), "VALUE" => "default", "ONCHANGE" => [["ACTION" => Panel\Actions::RESET_CONTROLS]] ] ] ], "html" => [], "forAll" => [] ]; } /** * The method returns an array of data of the desired format for the grid. * @return array */ public function getActionPanel() { $actionPanel = []; $items = $this->getItems(); $actionPanel["GROUPS"][] = array("ITEMS" => $items); return $actionPanel; } /** * The method writes a value into an array of sections. * This array is the structure of the blocks into which you place your actions. * @param array $actionSections Map sections. * @param array $listKeyForDelete List keys for delete default sections. Example: [ "default" => [ "TYPE" => Types::BUTTON, "ID" => "button_id", "CLASS" => "apply", "TEXT" => "My button", "ONCHANGE" => [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [ [ "JS" => "alert('Click!');" ] ] ] ] ] ]; */ public function setActionSections(array $actionSections, $listKeyForDelete = []) { foreach ($listKeyForDelete as $keyForDelete) { if (isset($this->actionSections[$keyForDelete])) { unset($this->actionSections[$keyForDelete]); } } $this->actionSections = array_merge($this->actionSections, $actionSections); } /** * The method writes values to a map of types and partitions. * This makes it possible to place any type of action in a specific action section. * @param array $mapTypesAndSections Map of types and sections. Example ["html" => "default"]. */ public function setTypeToSectionMap(array $mapTypesAndSections) { $this->mapTypesAndSections = array_merge($this->mapTypesAndSections, $mapTypesAndSections); } /** * The method writes a handler for a particular type of action. This allows you to create your own action. * * @param array $mapTypesAndHandlers Map of types and handlers. * Example: * [ "button" => function ($actionKey, $action) { $onChange = [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [ [ "JS" => $action["action"] ? $action["action"] : "BX.adminUiList.SendSelected('{$this->tableId}')" ] ] ] ] return [ "ID" => $actionKey, "TYPE" => Bitrix\Main\Grid\Panel\Types::BUTTON, "TEXT" => $action["name"], "ONCHANGE" => $onChange ]; }] */ public function setHandlerToType(array $mapTypesAndHandlers) { $this->mapTypesAndHandlers = array_merge($this->mapTypesAndHandlers, $mapTypesAndHandlers); } private function getItems() { $items = []; $actionSections = $this->getActionSections(); foreach ($actionSections as $actionSection) { if ($this->isAssociativeArray($actionSection)) { $items[] = $actionSection; } else { foreach ($actionSection as $aSection) { $items[] = $aSection; } } } return $items; } private function getActionSections() { if (isset($this->inputActions["edit"]) && isset($this->actionSections[$this->mapTypesAndSections["edit"]])) { $this->actionSections[$this->mapTypesAndSections["edit"]][] = $this->gridSnippets->getEditButton(); } if (isset($this->inputActions["delete"]) && isset($this->actionSections[$this->mapTypesAndSections["delete"]])) { $this->actionSections[$this->mapTypesAndSections["delete"]][] = $this->gridSnippets->getRemoveButton(); } foreach ($this->inputActions as $actionKey => $action) { $this->setActionSection($this->actionSections, $actionKey, $action); } if (isset($this->inputActions["for_all"]) && isset($this->actionSections[$this->mapTypesAndSections["for_all"]])) { $this->actionSections[$this->mapTypesAndSections["for_all"]][] = $this->gridSnippets->getForAllCheckbox(); } return $this->actionSections; } private function setActionSection(array &$actionSections, $actionKey, $action) { if (is_array($action)) { if (!empty($action["type"])) { $type = strtolower($action["type"]); $actionSection = isset($this->mapTypesAndSections[$type]) ? $this->mapTypesAndSections[$type] : "list"; $method = "get".$action["type"]."ActionData"; if ($this->mapTypesAndHandlers[$type] && is_callable($this->mapTypesAndHandlers[$type])) { $actionSections[$actionSection][] = $this->mapTypesAndHandlers[$type]($actionKey, $action); } elseif (method_exists(__CLASS__, $method)) { if ($actionSection == "list") { $actionSections["list"]["ITEMS"][] = $this->$method($actionKey, $action); } else { $actionSections[$actionSection][] = $this->$method($actionKey, $action); } } } } else { if (!in_array($actionKey, ["edit", "delete", "for_all"])) { $actionSections["list"]["ITEMS"][] = [ "NAME" => $action, "VALUE" => $actionKey, "ONCHANGE" => [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::RESET_CONTROLS ], $this->getApplyButtonCreationAction() ] ]; } } } private function getButtonActionData($actionKey, $action) { $onChange = $action["action"] ? [ ["ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [["JS" => $action["action"]]]]] : []; return [ "ID" => $actionKey, "TYPE" => Bitrix\Main\Grid\Panel\Types::BUTTON, "TEXT" => $action["name"], "ONCHANGE" => $onChange ]; } private function getSelectActionData($actionKey, $action) { $internalOnchange = []; if (!empty($this->inputActionsParams["internal_select_onchange"])) { $internalOnchange[] = [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [ ["JS" => $this->inputActionsParams["internal_select_onchange"]] ] ]; } /** For each value of the list, you can pass a handler. example client code: $arGroupActions["test_section"] = array( "lable" => "Test", "type" => "select", "name" => "test_section", "items" => array( array("NAME" => "One", "VALUE" => "one", "ONCHANGE" => "alert('one');"), array("NAME" => "Two", "VALUE" => "two", "ONCHANGE" => "alert('two');") ) ); */ if (is_array($action["items"])) { foreach ($action["items"] as &$items) { if (empty($items["ONCHANGE"])) { $items["ONCHANGE"] = $internalOnchange; } else { $items["ONCHANGE"] = [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [ ["JS" => $items["ONCHANGE"]] ] ] ]; } } } $onchange = [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::RESET_CONTROLS ], [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CREATE, "DATA" => [ [ "TYPE" => Panel\Types::DROPDOWN, "ID" => "selected_action_{$this->tableId}", "NAME" => $action["name"], "ITEMS" => $action["items"] ], $this->gridSnippets->getApplyButton( [ "ONCHANGE" => [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [ ["JS" => "BX.adminUiList.SendSelected('{$this->tableId}')"] ] ] ] ] ) ] ] ]; if (!empty($this->inputActionsParams["select_onchange"])) { $onchange[] = [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [ ["JS" => $this->inputActionsParams["select_onchange"]] ] ]; } return [ "NAME" => $action["lable"], "VALUE" => $actionKey, "ONCHANGE" => $onchange ]; } private function getCustomJsActionData($actionKey, $action) { return [ "NAME" => $action["lable"], "VALUE" => $actionKey, "ONCHANGE" => [ ["ACTION" => Panel\Actions::RESET_CONTROLS], $this->getApplyButtonCreationAction($action["js"]) ] ]; } private function getHtmlActionData($actionKey, $action) { return [ "ID" => $actionKey, "TYPE" => Panel\Types::CUSTOM, "VALUE" => $action["value"] ]; } private function getApplyButtonCreationAction($jsCallback = "") { return [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CREATE, "DATA" => [ $this->gridSnippets->getApplyButton( [ "ONCHANGE" => [ [ "ACTION" => Panel\Actions::CALLBACK, "DATA" => [ [ "JS" => $jsCallback ? $jsCallback : "BX.adminUiList.SendSelected('{$this->tableId}')" ] ] ] ] ] ) ] ]; } private function isAssociativeArray($array) { if (!is_array($array) || empty($array)) return false; return array_keys($array) !== range(0, count($array) - 1); } } class CAdminUiListRow extends CAdminListRow { public function addActions($aActions) { $listActions = array(); foreach ($aActions as $aAction) { if (isset($aAction["SEPARATOR"])) { continue; } if (!empty($aAction["LINK"]) && empty($aAction["ACTION"])) { $aAction["href"] = $aAction["LINK"]; } else { if (preg_match("/BX.adminPanel.Redirect/", $aAction["ACTION"])) { $explode = explode("'", $aAction["ACTION"]); if (!empty($explode[1])) $aAction["href"] = $explode[1]; } else { $aAction["ONCLICK"] = $aAction["ACTION"]; } } if ($this->isPublicMode) { if (!empty($aAction["href"]) && !preg_match("/bitrix\/admin/i", $aAction["href"]) && preg_match("/\.php/i", $aAction["href"])) { $aAction["href"] = "/bitrix/admin/".$aAction["href"]; } } $listActions[] = $aAction; } $this->aActions = $listActions; } } class CAdminUiResult extends CAdminResult { private $componentParams = array(); public function NavStart($nPageSize=20, $bShowAll=true, $iNumPage=false) { $nSize = $this->GetNavSize($this->table_id, $nPageSize); if(!is_array($nPageSize)) $nPageSize = array(); $nPageSize["nPageSize"] = $nSize; if($_REQUEST["mode"] == "excel") $nPageSize["NavShowAll"] = true; $this->nInitialSize = $nPageSize["nPageSize"]; $this->parentNavStart($nPageSize, $bShowAll, $iNumPage); } public function GetNavPrint($title, $show_allways=true, $StyleText="", $template_path=false, $arDeleteParam=false) { $componentObject = null; $this->bShowAll = false; return $this->getPageNavStringEx( $componentObject, "", "grid", false, null, $this->componentParams ); } public function GetNavSize($tableId = false, $nPageSize = 20, $listUrl = '') { $tableId = $tableId ? $tableId : $this->table_id; $gridOptions = new Bitrix\Main\Grid\Options($tableId); $navParams = $gridOptions->getNavParams(); return $navParams["nPageSize"]; } public function setNavigationParams(array $params) { $gridOptions = new Bitrix\Main\Grid\Options($this->table_id); $this->componentParams = array_merge($params, $gridOptions->getNavParams()); } } class CAdminUiContextMenu extends CAdminContextMenu { private $isShownFilterContext = false; public function setFilterContextParam($bool) { $this->isShownFilterContext = $bool; } public function Show() { foreach (GetModuleEvents("main", "OnAdminContextMenuShow", true) as $arEvent) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array(&$this->items)); } if (empty($this->items) && empty($this->additional_items)) { return; } \Bitrix\Main\UI\Extension::load("ui.buttons"); \Bitrix\Main\UI\Extension::load("ui.buttons.icons"); if ($this->isPublicMode): ob_start(); ?> <div class="pagetitle-container pagetitle-align-right-container" style="padding-right: 12px;"> <? else: ?> <? if (!$this->isShownFilterContext): ?> <div class="adm-toolbar-panel-container"> <div class="adm-toolbar-panel-flexible-space"> <? $this->showBaseButton(); ?> </div> <? endif ?> <div class="adm-toolbar-panel-align-right"> <? endif; $this->showActionButton(); if ($this->isShownFilterContext || $this->isPublicMode) { $this->showBaseButton(); } ?> </div> <? if (!$this->isShownFilterContext && !$this->isPublicMode): ?> </div> <? endif; if ($this->isPublicMode) { global $APPLICATION; $APPLICATION->AddViewContent("inside_pagetitle", ob_get_clean()); } } private function showActionButton() { if (!empty($this->additional_items)) { if ($this->isPublicMode) { $menuUrl = "BX.adminList.showPublicMenu(this, ".HtmlFilter::encode( CAdminPopup::PhpToJavaScript($this->additional_items)).");"; } else { $menuUrl = "BX.adminList.ShowMenu(this, ".HtmlFilter::encode( CAdminPopup::PhpToJavaScript($this->additional_items)).");"; } ?> <button class="ui-btn ui-btn-light-border ui-btn-themes ui-btn-icon-setting" onclick=" <?=$menuUrl?>"></button> <? } } private function showBaseButton() { if (!empty($this->items)) { $items = $this->items; $firstItem = array_shift($items); if (!empty($firstItem["MENU"])) { $items = array_merge($items, $firstItem["MENU"]); } if ($this->isPublicMode) { $menuUrl = "BX.adminList.showPublicMenu(this, ".HtmlFilter::encode( CAdminPopup::PhpToJavaScript($items)).");"; } else { $menuUrl = "BX.adminList.ShowMenu(this, ".HtmlFilter::encode( CAdminPopup::PhpToJavaScript($items)).");"; } if (count($items) > 0):?> <? if (!empty($firstItem["ONCLICK"])): ?> <div class="ui-btn-double ui-btn-primary"> <button onclick="<?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["ONCLICK"])?>" class="ui-btn-main"> <?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["TEXT"])?> </button> <button onclick="<?=$menuUrl?>" class="ui-btn-extra"></button> </div> <? else: ?> <? if (isset($firstItem["DISABLE"])): ?> <div class="ui-btn-double ui-btn-primary"> <button onclick="<?=$menuUrl?>" class="ui-btn-main"> <?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["TEXT"])?> </button> <button onclick="<?=$menuUrl?>" class="ui-btn-extra"></button> </div> <? else: ?> <div class="ui-btn-double ui-btn-primary"> <a href="<?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["LINK"])?>" class="ui-btn-main"> <?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["TEXT"])?> </a> <button onclick="<?=$menuUrl?>" class="ui-btn-extra"></button> </div> <? endif; ?> <? endif; ?> <? else:?> <? if (!empty($firstItem["ONCLICK"])): ?> <button class="ui-btn ui-btn-primary" onclick="<?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["ONCLICK"])?>"> <?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["TEXT"])?> </button> <? else: ?> <a class="ui-btn ui-btn-primary" href="<?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["LINK"])?>"> <?=HtmlFilter::encode($firstItem["TEXT"])?> </a> <? endif; ?> <?endif; } } }