Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/data/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/data/cacheenginefiles.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\Data; use Bitrix\Main; class CacheEngineFiles implements ICacheEngine, ICacheEngineStat { private $TTL; //cache stats private $written = false; private $read = false; private $path = ''; protected $useLock = true; protected static $lockHandles = array(); /** * Engine constructor. * */ public function __construct() { $cacheConfig = Main\Config\Configuration::getValue("cache"); if ($cacheConfig && is_array($cacheConfig) && isset($cacheConfig["use_lock"])) { $this->useLock = (bool)$cacheConfig["use_lock"]; } } /** * Returns number of bytes read from disk or false if there was no read operation. * * @return integer|false */ public function getReadBytes() { return $this->read; } /** * Returns number of bytes written to disk or false if there was no write operation. * * @return integer|false */ public function getWrittenBytes() { return $this->written; } /** * Returns physical file path after read or write operation. * * @return string */ public function getCachePath() { return $this->path; } /** * Returns true if cache can be read or written. * * @return bool */ public function isAvailable() { return true; } /** * Deletes physical file. Returns true on success. * * @param string $fileName Absolute physical path. * * @return boolean */ private static function unlink($fileName) { if (self::$lockHandles[$fileName]) { fclose(self::$lockHandles[$fileName]); unset(self::$lockHandles[$fileName]); } //This checks for Zend Server CE in order to suppress warnings if (function_exists('accelerator_reset')) { @chmod($fileName, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); if (@unlink($fileName)) return true; } else { if (file_exists($fileName)) { @chmod($fileName, BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS); if (unlink($fileName)) return true; } } return false; } /** * Adds delayed delete worker agent. * * @return void */ private static function addAgent() { global $APPLICATION; static $agentAdded = false; if (!$agentAdded) { $agentAdded = true; $agents = \CAgent::GetList(array("ID" => "DESC"), array("NAME" => "\\Bitrix\\Main\\Data\\CacheEngineFiles::delayedDelete(%")); if (!$agents->Fetch()) { $res = \CAgent::AddAgent( "\\Bitrix\\Main\\Data\\CacheEngineFiles::delayedDelete();", "main", //module "Y", //period 1 //interval ); if (!$res) $APPLICATION->ResetException(); } } } /** * Generates very temporary file name by adding some random suffix to the file path. * Returns empty string on failure. * * @param string $fileName File path within document root. * * @return string */ private static function randomizeFile($fileName) { $documentRoot = Main\Loader::getDocumentRoot(); for ($i = 0; $i < 99; $i++) { $suffix = rand(0, 999999); if (!file_exists($documentRoot.$fileName.$suffix)) return $fileName.$suffix; } return ""; } /** * Cleans (removes) cache directory or file. * * @param string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache). * @param string $initDir Directory within base. * @param string $filename File name. * * @return void */ public function clean($baseDir, $initDir = '', $filename = '') { $documentRoot = Main\Loader::getDocumentRoot(); if (($filename !== false) && ($filename !== "")) { $result = static::unlink($documentRoot.$baseDir.$initDir.$filename); if ($result) { Main\Application::resetAccelerator(); } } else { $initDir = trim($initDir, "/"); if ($initDir == "") { $sourceDir = $documentRoot."/".trim($baseDir, "/"); if (file_exists($sourceDir) && is_dir($sourceDir)) { $dh = opendir($sourceDir); if (is_resource($dh)) { while ($entry = readdir($dh)) { if (preg_match("/^(\\.|\\.\\.|.*\\.~\\d+)\$/", $entry)) continue; if (is_dir($sourceDir."/".$entry)) static::clean($baseDir, $entry); elseif (is_file($sourceDir."/".$entry)) static::unlink($sourceDir."/".$entry); } } } } else { $source = "/".trim($baseDir, "/")."/".$initDir; $source = rtrim($source, "/"); $delayedDelete = false; if (!preg_match("/^(\\.|\\.\\.|.*\\.~\\d+)\$/", $source) && file_exists($documentRoot.$source)) { if (is_file($documentRoot.$source)) { static::unlink($documentRoot.$source); } else { $target = static::randomizeFile($source.".~"); if ($target != '') { $con = Main\Application::getConnection(); $con->queryExecute("INSERT INTO b_cache_tag (SITE_ID, CACHE_SALT, RELATIVE_PATH, TAG) VALUES ('*', '*', '".$con->getSqlHelper()->forSql($target)."', '*')"); if (@rename($documentRoot.$source, $documentRoot.$target)) { $delayedDelete = true; } } } } if ($delayedDelete) static::addAgent(); else DeleteDirFilesEx($baseDir.$initDir); Main\Application::resetAccelerator(); } } } /** * Tries to put non blocking exclusive lock on the file. * Returns true if file not exists, or lock was successfully got. * * @param string $fileName Absolute cache file path. * * @return boolean */ protected function lock($fileName) { $wouldBlock = 0; self::$lockHandles[$fileName] = @fopen($fileName, "r+"); if (self::$lockHandles[$fileName]) { flock(self::$lockHandles[$fileName], LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB, $wouldBlock); //$wouldBlock === 1 someone else has the lock. } return $wouldBlock !== 1; } /** * Releases the lock obtained by lock method. * * @param string $fileName Absolute cache file path. * * @return void */ protected function unlock($fileName) { if (self::$lockHandles[$fileName]) { fclose(self::$lockHandles[$fileName]); unset(self::$lockHandles[$fileName]); } } /** * Reads cache from the file. Returns true if file exists, not expired, and successfully read. * * @param mixed &$arAllVars Cached result. * @param string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache). * @param string $initDir Directory within base. * @param string $filename File name. * @param integer $TTL Expiration period in seconds. * * @return boolean */ public function read(&$arAllVars, $baseDir, $initDir, $filename, $TTL) { $documentRoot = Main\Loader::getDocumentRoot(); $fn = $documentRoot."/".ltrim($baseDir.$initDir, "/").$filename; if (!file_exists($fn)) return false; $ser_content = ""; $dateexpire = 0; $datecreate = 0; $zeroDanger = false; $handle = null; if (is_array($arAllVars)) { $INCLUDE_FROM_CACHE = 'Y'; if (!@include($fn)) return false; } else { $handle = fopen($fn, "rb"); if (!$handle) return false; $datecreate = fread($handle, 2); if ($datecreate == "BX") { $datecreate = fread($handle, 12); $dateexpire = fread($handle, 12); } else { $datecreate .= fread($handle, 10); } } /* We suppress warning here in order not to break the compression under Zend Server */ $this->read = @filesize($fn); $this->path = $fn; $res = true; if (intval($datecreate) < (time() - $TTL)) { if ($this->useLock) { if ($this->lock($fn)) { $res = false; } } else { $res = false; } } if($res == true) { if (is_array($arAllVars)) { $arAllVars = unserialize($ser_content); } else { $arAllVars = fread($handle, $this->read); } } if($handle) { fclose($handle); } return $res; } /** * Writes cache into the file. * * @param mixed $arAllVars Cached result. * @param string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache). * @param string $initDir Directory within base. * @param string $filename File name. * @param integer $TTL Expiration period in seconds. * * @return void */ public function write($arAllVars, $baseDir, $initDir, $filename, $TTL) { static $search = array("\\", "'", "\0"); static $replace = array("\\\\", "\\'", "'.chr(0).'"); $documentRoot = Main\Loader::getDocumentRoot(); $folder = $documentRoot."/".ltrim($baseDir.$initDir, "/"); $fn = $folder.$filename; $fnTmp = $folder.md5(mt_rand()).".tmp"; if (!CheckDirPath($fn)) return; if ($handle = fopen($fnTmp, "wb+")) { if (is_array($arAllVars)) { $contents = "<?"; $contents .= "\nif(\$INCLUDE_FROM_CACHE!='Y')return false;"; $contents .= "\n\$datecreate = '".str_pad(time(), 12, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)."';"; $contents .= "\n\$dateexpire = '".str_pad(time() + intval($TTL), 12, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT)."';"; $contents .= "\n\$ser_content = '".str_replace($search, $replace, serialize($arAllVars))."';"; $contents .= "\nreturn true;"; $contents .= "\n?>"; } else { $contents = "BX".str_pad(time(), 12, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT).str_pad(time() + intval($this->TTL), 12, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); $contents .= $arAllVars; } $this->written = fwrite($handle, $contents); $this->path = $fn; $len = Main\Text\BinaryString::getLength($contents); fclose($handle); static::unlink($fn); if ($this->written === $len) rename($fnTmp, $fn); static::unlink($fnTmp); if ($this->useLock) { $this->unlock($fn); } } } /** * Returns true if cache file has expired. * * @param string $path Absolute physical path. * * @return boolean */ public function isCacheExpired($path) { if (!file_exists($path)) { return true; } $fileHandler = fopen($path, "rb"); if ($fileHandler) { $header = fread($fileHandler, 150); fclose($fileHandler); } else { return true; } if ( preg_match("/dateexpire\\s*=\\s*'([\\d]+)'/im", $header, $match) || preg_match("/^BX\\d{12}(\\d{12})/", $header, $match) || preg_match("/^(\\d{12})/", $header, $match) ) { if (strlen($match[1]) <= 0 || doubleval($match[1]) < time()) return true; } return false; } /** * Deletes one cache directory. Works no longer than etime. * * @param integer $etime Timestamp when to stop working. * @param boolean $ar Record from b_cache_tag. * * @return void */ protected static function deleteOneDir($etime = 0, $ar = false) { $deleteFromQueue = false; $dirName = Main\Loader::getDocumentRoot().$ar["RELATIVE_PATH"]; if ($ar["RELATIVE_PATH"] != '' && file_exists($dirName)) { if (is_file($dirName)) { DeleteDirFilesEx($ar["RELATIVE_PATH"]); $deleteFromQueue = true; } else { $dh = opendir($dirName); if (is_resource($dh)) { $counter = 0; while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { DeleteDirFilesEx($ar["RELATIVE_PATH"]."/".$file); $counter++; if (time() > $etime) break; } } closedir($dh); if ($counter == 0) { rmdir($dirName); $deleteFromQueue = true; } } } } else { $deleteFromQueue = true; } if ($deleteFromQueue) { $con = Main\Application::getConnection(); $con->queryExecute(" DELETE FROM b_cache_tag WHERE SITE_ID = '".$con->getSqlHelper()->forSql($ar["SITE_ID"])."' AND CACHE_SALT = '".$con->getSqlHelper()->forSql($ar["CACHE_SALT"])."' AND RELATIVE_PATH = '".$con->getSqlHelper()->forSql($ar["RELATIVE_PATH"])."' "); } } /** * Agent function which deletes marked cache directories. * * @param integer $count Desired delete count. * * @return string */ public static function delayedDelete($count = 1) { $con = Main\Application::getConnection(); $etime = time() + 2; if ($count > 0) { $rs = $con->query("SELECT SITE_ID, CACHE_SALT, RELATIVE_PATH, TAG from b_cache_tag WHERE TAG='*'", 0, $count); while ($ar = $rs->fetch()) { static::deleteOneDir($etime, $ar); if (time() > $etime) break; } } //try to adjust cache cleanup speed to cache cleanups $rs = $con->query("SELECT SITE_ID, CACHE_SALT, RELATIVE_PATH, TAG from b_cache_tag WHERE TAG='**'"); if ($ar = $rs->fetch()) { $statRecFound = true; $lastCount = intval($ar["RELATIVE_PATH"]); if (preg_match("/:(\\d+)$/", $ar["RELATIVE_PATH"], $m)) $lastTime = intval($m[1]); else $lastTime = 0; } else { $statRecFound = false; $lastCount = 0; $lastTime = 0; } $toDeleteCount = $con->queryScalar("SELECT count(1) CNT from b_cache_tag WHERE TAG='*'"); $delta = $toDeleteCount - $lastCount; if ($delta > 0) { $timeStep = ($lastTime > 0? time() - $lastTime: 0); if ($timeStep <= 0) $timeStep = 1; $count = intval($toDeleteCount * $timeStep / 3600) + 1; //Rest of the queue in an hour } elseif ($count < 1) { $count = 1; } if ($statRecFound) { if ($lastCount != $toDeleteCount) $con->queryExecute("UPDATE b_cache_tag SET RELATIVE_PATH='".$toDeleteCount.":".time()."' WHERE TAG='**'"); } else { $con->queryExecute("INSERT INTO b_cache_tag (TAG, RELATIVE_PATH) VALUES ('**', '".$toDeleteCount.":".time()."')"); } if ($toDeleteCount > 0) return "\\Bitrix\\Main\\Data\\CacheEngineFiles::delayedDelete(".$count.");"; else return ""; } }