Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/db/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/main/lib/db/mysqlcommonsqlhelper.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Main\DB; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Type; use Bitrix\Main\ORM; use Bitrix\Main\ORM\Fields\ScalarField; abstract class MysqlCommonSqlHelper extends SqlHelper { /** * Returns an identificator escaping left character. * * @return string */ public function getLeftQuote() { return '`'; } /** * Returns an identificator escaping right character. * * @return string */ public function getRightQuote() { return '`'; } /** * Returns maximum length of an alias in a select statement * * @return integer */ public function getAliasLength() { return 256; } /** * Returns database specific query delimiter for batch processing. * * @return string */ public function getQueryDelimiter() { return ';'; } /** * Returns function for getting current time. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentDateTimeFunction() { return "NOW()"; } /** * Returns function for getting current date without time part. * * @return string */ public function getCurrentDateFunction() { return "CURDATE()"; } /** * Returns function for adding seconds time interval to $from. * <p> * If $from is null or omitted, then current time is used. * <p> * $seconds and $from parameters are SQL unsafe. * * @param integer $seconds How many seconds to add. * @param integer $from Datetime database field of expression. * * @return string */ public function addSecondsToDateTime($seconds, $from = null) { if ($from === null) { $from = static::getCurrentDateTimeFunction(); } return 'DATE_ADD('.$from.', INTERVAL '.$seconds.' SECOND)'; } /** * Returns function cast $value to datetime database type. * <p> * $value parameter is SQL unsafe. * * @param string $value Database field or expression to cast. * * @return string */ public function getDatetimeToDateFunction($value) { return 'DATE('.$value.')'; } /** * Returns database expression for converting $field value according the $format. * <p> * Following format parts converted: * - YYYY A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits * - MMMM A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March * - MM Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros * - MI Minutes with leading zeros * - M A short textual representation of a month, three letters * - DD Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros * - HH 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros * - H 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros * - GG 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros * - G 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros * - SS Seconds with leading zeros * - TT AM or PM * - T AM or PM * <p> * $field parameter is SQL unsafe. * * @param string $format Format string. * @param string $field Database field or expression. * * @return string */ public function formatDate($format, $field = null) { static $search = array( "YYYY", "MMMM", "MM", "MI", "DD", "HH", "GG", "G", "SS", "TT", "T" ); static $replace = array( "%Y", "%M", "%m", "%i", "%d", "%H", "%h", "%l", "%s", "%p", "%p" ); $format = str_replace($search, $replace, $format); if (strpos($format, '%H') === false) { $format = str_replace("H", "%h", $format); } if (strpos($format, '%M') === false) { $format = str_replace("M", "%b", $format); } if($field === null) { return $format; } else { return "DATE_FORMAT(".$field.", '".$format."')"; } } /** * Returns function for concatenating database fields or expressions. * <p> * All parameters are SQL unsafe. * * @param string $field,... Database fields or expressions. * * @return string */ public function getConcatFunction() { $str = ""; $ar = func_get_args(); if (is_array($ar)) $str .= implode(", ", $ar); if (strlen($str) > 0) $str = "CONCAT(".$str.")"; return $str; } /** * Returns function for testing database field or expressions * against NULL value. When it is NULL then $result will be returned. * <p> * All parameters are SQL unsafe. * * @param string $expression Database field or expression for NULL test. * @param string $result Database field or expression to return when $expression is NULL. * * @return string */ public function getIsNullFunction($expression, $result) { return "IFNULL(".$expression.", ".$result.")"; } /** * Returns function for getting length of database field or expression. * <p> * $field parameter is SQL unsafe. * * @param string $field Database field or expression. * * @return string */ public function getLengthFunction($field) { return "LENGTH(".$field.")"; } /** * Returns function for converting string value into datetime. * $value must be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS format. * <p> * $value parameter is SQL unsafe. * * @param string $value String in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS format. * * @return string * @see \Bitrix\Main\DB\MssqlSqlHelper::formatDate */ public function getCharToDateFunction($value) { return "'".$value."'"; } /** * Returns function for converting database field or expression into string. * <p> * Result string will be in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MI:SS format. * <p> * $fieldName parameter is SQL unsafe. * * @param string $fieldName Database field or expression. * * @return string * @see \Bitrix\Main\DB\MssqlSqlHelper::formatDate */ public function getDateToCharFunction($fieldName) { return $fieldName; } /** * Returns callback to be called for a field value on fetch. * Used for soft conversion. For strict results @see Entity\Query\Result::setStrictValueConverters() * * @param ScalarField $field Type "source". * * @return false|callback */ public function getConverter(ScalarField $field) { if($field instanceof ORM\Fields\DatetimeField) { return array($this, "convertFromDbDateTime"); } elseif($field instanceof ORM\Fields\DateField) { return array($this, "convertFromDbDate"); } else { return parent::getConverter($field); } } /** * @deprecated * Converts string into \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime object. * <p> * Helper function. * * @param string $value Value fetched. * * @return null|\Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime * @see \Bitrix\Main\Db\MysqlCommonSqlHelper::getConverter */ public function convertDatetimeField($value) { return $this->convertFromDbDateTime($value); } /** * @param $value * * @return Type\DateTime|null * @throws Main\ObjectException */ public function convertFromDbDateTime($value) { if($value !== null && $value != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { return new Type\DateTime($value, "Y-m-d H:i:s"); } return null; } /** * @deprecated * Converts string into \Bitrix\Main\Type\Date object. * <p> * Helper function. * * @param string $value Value fetched. * * @return null|\Bitrix\Main\Type\Date * @see \Bitrix\Main\Db\MysqlCommonSqlHelper::getConverter */ public function convertDateField($value) { return $this->convertFromDbDate($value); } /** * @param $value * * @return Type\Date|null * @throws Main\ObjectException */ public function convertFromDbDate($value) { if($value !== null && $value != '0000-00-00') { return new Type\Date($value, "Y-m-d"); } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param string $fieldName * * return string */ public function castToChar($fieldName) { return 'CAST('.$fieldName.' AS char)'; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param string $fieldName * * return string */ public function softCastTextToChar($fieldName) { return $fieldName; } /** * Returns a column type according to ScalarField object. * * @param ScalarField $field Type "source". * * @return string */ public function getColumnTypeByField(ScalarField $field) { if ($field instanceof ORM\Fields\IntegerField) { return 'int'; } elseif ($field instanceof ORM\Fields\FloatField) { return 'double'; } elseif ($field instanceof ORM\Fields\DatetimeField) { return 'datetime'; } elseif ($field instanceof ORM\Fields\DateField) { return 'date'; } elseif ($field instanceof ORM\Fields\TextField) { return 'text'; } elseif ($field instanceof ORM\Fields\BooleanField) { $values = $field->getValues(); if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $values[0]) && preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $values[1])) { return 'int'; } else { return 'varchar('.max(strlen($values[0]), strlen($values[1])).')'; } } elseif ($field instanceof ORM\Fields\EnumField) { return 'varchar('.max(array_map('strlen', $field->getValues())).')'; } else { // string by default $defaultLength = false; foreach ($field->getValidators() as $validator) { if ($validator instanceof ORM\Fields\Validators\LengthValidator) { if ($defaultLength === false || $defaultLength > $validator->getMax()) { $defaultLength = $validator->getMax(); } } } return 'varchar('.($defaultLength > 0? $defaultLength: 255).')'; } } /** * Transforms Sql according to $limit and $offset limitations. * <p> * You must specify $limit when $offset is set. * * @param string $sql Sql text. * @param integer $limit Maximum number of rows to return. * @param integer $offset Offset of the first row to return, starting from 0. * * @return string * @throws Main\ArgumentException */ public function getTopSql($sql, $limit, $offset = 0) { $offset = intval($offset); $limit = intval($limit); if ($offset > 0 && $limit <= 0) throw new \Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException("Limit must be set if offset is set"); if ($limit > 0) { $sql .= "\nLIMIT ".$offset.", ".$limit."\n"; } return $sql; } /** * Builds the strings for the SQL MERGE command for the given table. * * @param string $tableName A table name. * @param array $primaryFields Array("column")[] Primary key columns list. * @param array $insertFields Array("column" => $value)[] What to insert. * @param array $updateFields Array("column" => $value)[] How to update. * * @return array (merge) */ public function prepareMerge($tableName, array $primaryFields, array $insertFields, array $updateFields) { $insert = $this->prepareInsert($tableName, $insertFields); $update = $this->prepareUpdate($tableName, $updateFields); if ( $insert && $insert[0] != "" && $insert[1] != "" && $update && $update[1] != "" ) { $sql = " INSERT INTO ".$this->quote($tableName)." (".$insert[0].") VALUES (".$insert[1].") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ".$update[0]." "; } else { $sql = ""; } return array( $sql ); } }