Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/pull/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/pull/classes/general/pull_channel.php |
<? use Bitrix\Main\Security\Sign; IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CPullChannel { const TYPE_PRIVATE = 'private'; const TYPE_SHARED = 'shared'; public static function GetNewChannelId() { global $APPLICATION; return md5(uniqid().$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].(is_object($APPLICATION)? $APPLICATION->GetServerUniqID(): '')); } public static function GetChannelShared($channelType = self::TYPE_SHARED, $cache = true, $reOpen = false) { return self::GetShared($cache, $reOpen, $channelType); } public static function GetShared($cache = true, $reOpen = false, $channelType = self::TYPE_SHARED) { return self::Get(0, $cache, $reOpen, $channelType); } public static function GetChannel($userId, $channelType = self::TYPE_PRIVATE, $cache = true, $reOpen = false) { return self::Get($userId, $cache, $reOpen, $channelType); } public static function Get($userId, $cache = true, $reOpen = false, $channelType = self::TYPE_PRIVATE) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $nginxStatus = CPullOptions::GetQueueServerStatus(); $arResult = false; $userId = intval($userId); $cache_id="b_pchc_".$userId.'_'.$channelType; if ($nginxStatus && $cache) { $res = $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(43200, $cache_id, "b_pull_channel"); if ($res) $arResult = $CACHE_MANAGER->Get($cache_id); } if(!is_array($arResult) || !isset($arResult['CHANNEL_ID'])) { $arResult = Array(); CTimeZone::Disable(); $strSql = " SELECT C.CHANNEL_ID, C.CHANNEL_TYPE, ".$DB->DatetimeToTimestampFunction('C.DATE_CREATE')." DATE_CREATE, C.LAST_ID FROM b_pull_channel C WHERE C.USER_ID = ".$userId." AND C.CHANNEL_TYPE = '".$DB->ForSQL($channelType)."' "; CTimeZone::Enable(); $res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($arResult = $res->Fetch()) { if ($nginxStatus) { self::SaveToCache($cache_id, $arResult); } } } if (empty($arResult) || intval($arResult['DATE_CREATE'])+43200 < time()) { $arChannel = Array( 'CHANNEL_ID' => self::GetNewChannelId(), 'CHANNEL_TYPE' => $channelType, 'DATE_CREATE' => time(), 'LAST_ID' => 0, ); self::SaveToCache($cache_id, $arChannel); if (isset($arResult['CHANNEL_ID'])) { $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_pull_channel WHERE CHANNEL_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($arResult['CHANNEL_ID'])."'"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } $channelId = self::Add($userId, $arChannel['CHANNEL_ID'], $arChannel['CHANNEL_TYPE']); if (isset($arResult['CHANNEL_ID']) && $channelId != $arResult['CHANNEL_ID']) { $params = Array( 'action' => $channelType != self::TYPE_PRIVATE? 'reconnect': 'get_config', 'channel' => Array( 'id' => self::SignChannel($arResult['CHANNEL_ID']), 'type' => $channelType, ), ); if ($channelType != self::TYPE_PRIVATE) { $params['new_channel'] = Array( 'id' => self::SignChannel($channelId), 'start' => date('c', time()), 'end' => date('c', time()+43205), 'type' => $channelType, ); } $arMessage = Array( 'module_id' => 'pull', 'command' => 'channel_expire', 'params' => $params ); CPullStack::AddByChannel($arResult['CHANNEL_ID'], $arMessage); } return $channelId? Array( 'CHANNEL_ID' => $channelId, 'CHANNEL_TYPE' => $channelType, 'CHANNEL_DT' => time(), 'LAST_ID' => 0, ): false; } else { if ($nginxStatus && $reOpen && CPullOptions::GetQueueServerVersion() < 3) { self::Send($arResult['CHANNEL_ID'], \Bitrix\Pull\Common::jsonEncode(Array( 'module_id' => 'pull', 'command' => 'reopen', 'expiry' => 1, 'params' => Array(), 'extra' => Array( 'server_time' => date('c'), 'server_name' => COption::GetOptionString('main', 'server_name', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), 'revision_web' => PULL_REVISION_WEB, 'revision_mobile' => PULL_REVISION_MOBILE, ), ))); } return Array( 'CHANNEL_ID' => $arResult['CHANNEL_ID'], 'CHANNEL_TYPE' => $arResult['CHANNEL_TYPE'], 'CHANNEL_DT' => $arResult['DATE_CREATE'], 'LAST_ID' => $arResult['LAST_ID'], ); } } public static function SignChannel($channelId) { $signatureKey = \CPullOptions::GetSignatureKey(); if ($signatureKey === "" || !is_string($channelId)) { return $channelId; } $signatureAlgo = \CPullOptions::GetSignatureAlgorithm(); $hmac = new Sign\HmacAlgorithm(); $hmac->setHashAlgorithm($signatureAlgo); $signer = new Sign\Signer($hmac); $signer->setKey($signatureKey); return $signer->sign($channelId); } // create a channel for the user public static function Add($userId, $channelId = null, $channelType = self::TYPE_PRIVATE) { global $DB; $userId = intval($userId); $cache_id="b_pchc_".$userId."_".$channelType; if ($userId) { $user = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getById($userId)->fetch(); if ($user['ACTIVE'] == 'N') { return false; } } $channelId = is_null($channelId)? self::GetNewChannelId(): $channelId; $arParams = Array( 'USER_ID' => intval($userId), 'CHANNEL_ID' => $channelId, 'CHANNEL_TYPE' => $channelType, 'LAST_ID' => 0, '~DATE_CREATE' => $DB->CurrentTimeFunction(), ); $result = intval($DB->Add("b_pull_channel", $arParams, Array(), "", true)); if ($result > 0) { $arChannel = Array( 'CHANNEL_ID' => $channelId, 'CHANNEL_TYPE' => $channelType, 'DATE_CREATE' => time(), 'LAST_ID' => 0, ); self::SaveToCache($cache_id, $arChannel); if (CPullOptions::GetQueueServerStatus() && CPullOptions::GetQueueServerVersion() < 3) { self::Send($channelId, \Bitrix\Pull\Common::jsonEncode(Array( 'module_id' => 'pull', 'command' => 'open', 'expiry' => 1, 'params' => Array(), 'extra' => Array( 'server_time' => date('c'), 'server_time_unix' => microtime(true), 'server_name' => COption::GetOptionString('main', 'server_name', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), 'revision_web' => PULL_REVISION_WEB, 'revision_mobile' => PULL_REVISION_MOBILE, ), ))); } } else { CTimeZone::Disable(); $strSql = " SELECT CHANNEL_ID, ".$DB->DatetimeToTimestampFunction('DATE_CREATE')." DATE_CREATE, LAST_ID FROM b_pull_channel WHERE USER_ID = ".$userId." AND CHANNEL_TYPE = '".$DB->ForSQL($channelType)."' "; CTimeZone::Enable(); $res = $DB->Query($strSql); $arChannel = $res->Fetch(); $channelId = $arChannel['CHANNEL_ID']; self::SaveToCache($cache_id, $arChannel); if (CPullOptions::GetQueueServerStatus() && CPullOptions::GetQueueServerVersion() < 3) { self::Send($channelId, \Bitrix\Pull\Common::jsonEncode(Array( 'module_id' => 'pull', 'command' => 'open_exists', 'expiry' => 1, 'params' => Array(), 'extra' => Array( 'server_time' => date('c'), 'server_time_unix' => microtime(true), 'server_name' => COption::GetOptionString('main', 'server_name', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), 'revision_web' => PULL_REVISION_WEB, 'revision_mobile' => PULL_REVISION_MOBILE, ), ))); } } return $channelId; } // remove channel by identifier // before removing need to send a message to change channel public static function Delete($channelId) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $strSql = "SELECT ID, USER_ID, CHANNEL_TYPE FROM b_pull_channel WHERE CHANNEL_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($channelId)."'"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($arRes = $res->Fetch()) { $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_pull_channel WHERE USER_ID = ".$arRes['USER_ID']." AND CHANNEL_TYPE = '".$DB->ForSql($arRes['CHANNEL_TYPE'])."'"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_pchc_".$arRes['USER_ID']."_".$arRes['CHANNEL_TYPE'], "b_pull_channel"); $channelType = $arRes['CHANNEL_TYPE']; $params = Array( 'action' => $channelType != self::TYPE_PRIVATE? 'reconnect': 'get_config', 'channel' => Array( 'id' => self::SignChannel($channelId), 'type' => $channelType, ), ); if ($channelType != self::TYPE_PRIVATE) { $result = self::GetShared(false); $params['new_channel'] = Array( 'id' => self::SignChannel($result['CHANNEL_ID']), 'start' => $result['CHANNEL_DT'], 'end' => date('c', $result['CHANNEL_DT']+43205), 'type' => $channelType, ); } $arMessage = Array( 'module_id' => 'pull', 'command' => 'channel_expire', 'params' => $params ); CPullStack::AddByChannel($channelId, $arMessage); } return true; } public static function DeleteByUser($userId, $channelId = null, $channelType = self::TYPE_PRIVATE) { global $DB, $CACHE_MANAGER; $userId = intval($userId); if ($userId == 0 && $channelType == self::TYPE_PRIVATE) { $channelType = self::TYPE_SHARED; } if (is_null($channelId)) { $strSql = "SELECT CHANNEL_ID, CHANNEL_TYPE FROM b_pull_channel WHERE USER_ID = ".$userId." AND CHANNEL_TYPE = '".$DB->ForSQL($channelType)."'"; $res = $DB->Query($strSql); if ($arRes = $res->Fetch()) { $channelId = $arRes['CHANNEL_ID']; $channelType = $arRes['CHANNEL_TYPE']; } } if (strlen($channelType) <= 0) $channelTypeSql = "(CHANNEL_TYPE = '' OR CHANNEL_TYPE IS NULL)"; else $channelTypeSql = "CHANNEL_TYPE = '".$DB->ForSQL($channelType)."'"; $strSql = "DELETE FROM b_pull_channel WHERE USER_ID = ".$userId." AND ".$channelTypeSql; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean("b_pchc_".$userId."_".$channelType, "b_pull_channel"); $params = Array( 'action' => $channelType != self::TYPE_PRIVATE? 'reconnect': 'get_config', 'channel' => Array( 'id' => self::SignChannel($channelId), 'type' => $channelType, ), ); if ($channelType != self::TYPE_PRIVATE) { $result = self::GetShared(false); $params['new_channel'] = Array( 'id' => self::SignChannel($result['CHANNEL_ID']), 'start' => $result['CHANNEL_DT'], 'end' => date('c', $result['CHANNEL_DT']+43205), 'type' => $channelType, ); } $arMessage = Array( 'module_id' => 'pull', 'command' => 'channel_expire', 'params' => $params ); CPullStack::AddByChannel($channelId, $arMessage); return true; } public static function Send($channelId, $message, $options = array()) { $result_start = '{"infos": ['; $result_end = ']}'; if (is_array($channelId) && CPullOptions::GetQueueServerVersion() == 1) { $results = Array(); foreach ($channelId as $channel) { $results[] = self::SendCommand($channel, $message, $options); } $result = json_decode($result_start.implode(',', $results).$result_end); } else if (is_array($channelId)) { $commandPerHit = CPullOptions::GetCommandPerHit(); if (count($channelId) > $commandPerHit) { $arGroup = Array(); $i = 0; foreach($channelId as $channel) { if (count($arGroup[$i]) == $commandPerHit) $i++; $arGroup[$i][] = $channel; } $results = Array(); foreach($arGroup as $channels) { $result = self::SendCommand($channels, $message, $options); $subresult = json_decode($result); if (is_array($subresult->infos)) { $results = array_merge($results, $subresult->infos); } } $result = json_decode('{"infos":'.json_encode($results).'}'); } else { $result = self::SendCommand($channelId, $message, $options); $result = json_decode($result); } } else { $result = self::SendCommand($channelId, $message, $options); $result = json_decode($result_start.$result.$result_end); } return $result; } private static function SendCommand($channelId, $message, $options = array()) { if (!is_array($channelId)) $channelId = Array($channelId); $channelId = implode('/', array_unique($channelId)); if (strlen($channelId) <=0 || strlen($message) <= 0) return false; $defaultOptions = array( "method" => "POST", "timeout" => 5, "dont_wait_answer" => true ); $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options); if (!in_array($options["method"], Array('POST', 'GET'))) return false; $nginx_error = COption::GetOptionString("pull", "nginx_error", "N"); if ($nginx_error != "N") { $nginx_error = unserialize($nginx_error); if (intval($nginx_error['date'])+120 < time()) { COption::SetOptionString("pull", "nginx_error", "N"); CAdminNotify::DeleteByTag("PULL_ERROR_SEND"); $nginx_error = "N"; } else if ($nginx_error['count'] >= 10) { $ar = Array( "MESSAGE" => GetMessage('PULL_ERROR_SEND'), "TAG" => "PULL_ERROR_SEND", "MODULE_ID" => "pull", ); CAdminNotify::Add($ar); return false; } } $postdata = CHTTP::PrepareData($message); $CHTTP = new CHTTP(); $CHTTP->http_timeout = intval($options["timeout"]); if (isset($options["expiry"])) { $CHTTP->SetAdditionalHeaders(array("Message-Expiry" => intval($options["expiry"]))); } $arUrl = $CHTTP->ParseURL(CPullOptions::GetPublishUrl($channelId), false); try { $sendResult = $CHTTP->Query($options["method"], $arUrl['host'], $arUrl['port'], $arUrl['path_query'], $postdata, $arUrl['proto'], 'N', $options["dont_wait_answer"]); } catch(Exception $e) { $sendResult = false; } if ($sendResult) { $result = $options["dont_wait_answer"] ? '{}': $CHTTP->result; } else { if ($nginx_error == "N") { $nginx_error = Array( 'count' => 1, 'date' => time(), 'date_increment' => time(), ); } else if (intval($nginx_error['date_increment'])+1 < time()) { $nginx_error['count'] = intval($nginx_error['count'])+1; $nginx_error['date_increment'] = time(); } COption::SetOptionString("pull", "nginx_error", serialize($nginx_error)); $result = false; } return $result; } public static function SaveToCache($cacheId, $data) { global $CACHE_MANAGER; $CACHE_MANAGER->Clean($cacheId, "b_pull_channel"); $CACHE_MANAGER->Read(43200, $cacheId, "b_pull_channel"); $CACHE_MANAGER->SetImmediate($cacheId, $data); } public static function UpdateLastId($channelId, $lastId) { global $DB; $strSql = "UPDATE b_pull_channel SET LAST_ID = ".intval($lastId)." WHERE CHANNEL_ID = '".$DB->ForSQL($channelId)."'"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); return true; } // check channels that are older than 12 hours, remove them. public static function CheckExpireAgent() { global $DB; $sqlDateFunction = null; $dbType = strtolower($DB->type); if ($dbType== "mysql") $sqlDateFunction = "DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 13 HOUR)"; else if ($dbType == "mssql") $sqlDateFunction = "dateadd(HOUR, -13, getdate())"; else if ($dbType == "oracle") $sqlDateFunction = "SYSDATE-1/13"; if (!is_null($sqlDateFunction)) { $strSql = " SELECT USER_ID, CHANNEL_ID, CHANNEL_TYPE FROM b_pull_channel WHERE DATE_CREATE < ".$sqlDateFunction; $dbRes = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); while ($arRes = $dbRes->Fetch()) { self::DeleteByUser($arRes['USER_ID'], $arRes['CHANNEL_ID'], $arRes['CHANNEL_TYPE']); } } return "CPullChannel::CheckExpireAgent();"; } public static function CheckOnlineChannel() { if (!CPullOptions::GetQueueServerStatus()) return "CPullChannel::CheckOnlineChannel();"; $users = Array(); $channels = Array(); $isImInstalled = CModule::IncludeModule('im'); if ($isImInstalled) { $orm = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'select' => Array( 'USER_ID' => 'ID', 'CHANNEL_ID' => 'CHANNEL.CHANNEL_ID', 'STATUS' => 'ST.STATUS', 'COLOR' => 'ST.COLOR', 'IDLE' => 'ST.IDLE', 'MOBILE_LAST_DATE' => 'ST.MOBILE_LAST_DATE', ), 'runtime' => Array( new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'CHANNEL', '\Bitrix\Pull\Model\ChannelTable', array( "=ref.USER_ID" => "this.ID", "=ref.CHANNEL_TYPE" => new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('?s', 'private'), ), array("join_type"=>"LEFT") ), new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'ST', '\Bitrix\Im\Model\StatusTable', array("=ref.USER_ID" => "this.ID"), array("join_type"=>"LEFT") ), ), 'filter' => Array( '=IS_ONLINE' => 'Y', '=IS_REAL_USER' => 'Y' ) )); } else { $orm = \Bitrix\Main\UserTable::getList(array( 'select' => Array( 'USER_ID' => 'ID', 'CHANNEL_ID' => 'CHANNEL.CHANNEL_ID' ), 'runtime' => Array( new \Bitrix\Main\Entity\ReferenceField( 'CHANNEL', '\Bitrix\Pull\Model\ChannelTable', array( "=ref.USER_ID" => "this.ID", "=ref.CHANNEL_TYPE" => new \Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression('?s', 'private'), ), array("join_type"=>"LEFT") ) ), 'filter' => Array( '=IS_ONLINE' => 'Y', '=IS_REAL_USER' => 'Y' ) )); } while ($res = $orm->fetch()) { $channels[$res['CHANNEL_ID']] = $res['USER_ID']; $users[$res['USER_ID']] = $res; } if (count($users) > 0) { $arOnline = Array(); global $USER; $agentUserId = 0; if (is_object($USER) && $USER->GetId() > 0) { $agentUserId = $USER->GetId(); $arOnline[$agentUserId] = $agentUserId; } $options = array( "method" => "GET", "dont_wait_answer" => false ); $result = self::Send(array_keys($channels), 'ping', $options); if (is_object($result) && isset($result->infos)) { foreach ($result->infos as $info) { $userId = $channels[$info->channel]; if ($userId == 0 || $agentUserId == $userId) continue; if ($info->subscribers > 0) $arOnline[$userId] = $userId; } } if (count($arOnline) > 0) { ksort($arOnline); CUser::SetLastActivityDateByArray($arOnline); } $arSend = Array(); if ($isImInstalled) { foreach ($arOnline as $userId) { $arSend[$userId] = Array( 'id' => $userId, 'status' => $users[$userId]['STATUS'], 'color' => $users[$userId]['COLOR']? \Bitrix\Im\Color::getColor($users[$userId]['COLOR']): \Bitrix\Im\Color::getColorByNumber($userId), 'idle' => $users[$userId]['IDLE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime? $users[$userId]['IDLE']: false, 'mobile_last_date' => $users[$userId]['MOBILE_LAST_DATE'] instanceof \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime? $users[$userId]['MOBILE_LAST_DATE']: false, 'last_activity_date' => new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime(), ); } } else { foreach ($arOnline as $userId) { $arSend[$userId] = Array( 'id' => $userId, 'status' => 'online', 'color' => '#556574', 'idle' => false, 'mobile_last_date' => false, 'last_activity_date' => new \Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime(), ); } } CPullStack::AddShared(Array( 'module_id' => 'online', 'command' => 'list', 'expiry' => 240, 'params' => Array( 'users' => $arSend ), )); } return "CPullChannel::CheckOnlineChannel();"; } public static function GetConfig($userId, $cache = true, $reopen = false, $mobile = false) { $pullConfig = Array(); if (defined('BX_PULL_SKIP_LS')) $pullConfig['LOCAL_STORAGE'] = 'N'; if (IsModuleInstalled('bitrix24')) $pullConfig['BITRIX24'] = 'Y'; if (!CPullOptions::GetQueueServerHeaders()) $pullConfig['HEADERS'] = 'N'; $arChannel = CPullChannel::Get($userId, $cache, $reopen); if (!is_array($arChannel)) { return false; } $arChannel["CHANNEL_ID"] = self::SignChannel($arChannel["CHANNEL_ID"]); $nginxStatus = CPullOptions::GetQueueServerStatus(); $webSocketStatus = false; $arChannels = Array($arChannel['CHANNEL_ID']); if ($nginxStatus) { if (defined('BX_PULL_SKIP_WEBSOCKET')) { $pullConfig['WEBSOCKET'] = 'N'; } else { $webSocketStatus = CPullOptions::GetWebSocketStatus(); } if ($userId > 0) { $arChannelShared = CPullChannel::GetShared($cache, $reopen); if (is_array($arChannelShared)) { $arChannelShared["CHANNEL_ID"] = self::SignChannel($arChannelShared["CHANNEL_ID"]); $arChannels[] = $arChannelShared['CHANNEL_ID']; $arChannel['CHANNEL_DT'] = $arChannel['CHANNEL_DT'].'/'.$arChannelShared['CHANNEL_DT']; } } } $pullPath = ($nginxStatus? (CMain::IsHTTPS()? CPullOptions::GetListenSecureUrl($arChannels): CPullOptions::GetListenUrl($arChannels)): '/bitrix/components/bitrix/pull.request/ajax.php?UPDATE_STATE'); $pullPathWs = ($nginxStatus && $webSocketStatus? (CMain::IsHTTPS()? CPullOptions::GetWebSocketSecureUrl($arChannels): CPullOptions::GetWebSocketUrl($arChannels)): ''); return $pullConfig+Array( 'CHANNEL_ID' => implode('/', $arChannels), 'CHANNEL_DT' => $arChannel['CHANNEL_DT'], 'USER_ID' => $userId, 'LAST_ID' => $arChannel['LAST_ID'], 'PATH' => $pullPath, 'PATH_WS' => $pullPathWs, 'PATH_COMMAND' => defined('BX_PULL_COMMAND_PATH')? BX_PULL_COMMAND_PATH: '', 'METHOD' => ($nginxStatus? 'LONG': 'PULL'), 'REVISION' => PULL_REVISION_WEB, 'ERROR' => '', ); } } ?>