Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/socialnetwork/lib/livefeed/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/socialnetwork/lib/livefeed/provider.php |
<?php namespace Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed; use Bitrix\Main; use Bitrix\Main\Loader; use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Item\Subscription; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\LogTable; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\UserContentViewTable; use Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Item\UserContentView; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); abstract class Provider { const DATA_RESULT_TYPE_SOURCE = 'SOURCE'; const TYPE_POST = 'POST'; const TYPE_COMMENT = 'COMMENT'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_BLOG_POST = 'BLOG_POST'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_BLOG_COMMENT = 'BLOG_COMMENT'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TASKS_TASK = 'TASK'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC = 'FORUM_TOPIC'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_FORUM_POST = 'FORUM_POST'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR_EVENT = 'CALENDAR_EVENT'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LOG_ENTRY = 'LOG_ENTRY'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LOG_COMMENT = 'LOG_COMMENT'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_RATING_LIST = 'RATING_LIST'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_ALBUM = 'PHOTO_ALBUM'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_PHOTO = 'PHOTO_PHOTO'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LISTS_ITEM = 'LISTS_NEW_ELEMENT'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_WIKI = 'WIKI'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TIMEMAN_ENTRY = 'TIMEMAN_ENTRY'; const DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TIMEMAN_REPORT = 'TIMEMAN_REPORT'; const PERMISSION_DENY = 'D'; const PERMISSION_READ = 'I'; const PERMISSION_FULL = 'W'; const CONTENT_TYPE_ID = false; protected $entityId = 0; protected $logId = 0; protected $sourceFields = array(); protected $siteId = false; protected $cloneDiskObjects = false; protected $sourceDescription = ''; protected $sourceTitle = ''; protected $sourceOriginalText = ''; protected $sourceAuxData = array(); protected $sourceAttachedDiskObjects = array(); protected $sourceDiskObjects = array(); protected $diskObjectsCloned = array(); protected $attachedDiskObjectsCloned = array(); protected $logEventId = null; protected $logEntityType = null; protected $logEntityId = null; /** * @return string the fully qualified name of this class. */ public static function className() { return get_called_class(); } public function setSiteId($siteId) { $this->siteId = $siteId; } public function getSiteId() { return $this->siteId; } public static function getId() { return 'BASE'; } public function getEventId() { return false; } public function getType() { return false; } public function getCommentProvider() { return false; } final private static function getTypes() { return array( self::TYPE_POST, self::TYPE_COMMENT, ); } final public static function getProvider($entityType) { switch ($entityType) { case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_BLOG_POST: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\BlogPost(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_BLOG_COMMENT: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\BlogComment(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TASKS_TASK: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\TasksTask(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_FORUM_TOPIC: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\ForumTopic(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_FORUM_POST: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\ForumPost(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR_EVENT: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\CalendarEvent(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LOG_ENTRY: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\LogEvent(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LOG_COMMENT: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\LogComment(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_RATING_LIST: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\RatingVoteList(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_ALBUM: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\PhotogalleryAlbum(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_PHOTO: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\PhotogalleryPhoto(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LISTS_ITEM: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\ListsItem(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_WIKI: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\Wiki(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TIMEMAN_ENTRY: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\TimemanEntry(); break; case self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TIMEMAN_REPORT: $provider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\TimemanReport(); break; default: $provider = false; } return $provider; } public static function init(array $params) { $provider = self::getProvider($params['ENTITY_TYPE']); if ($provider) { $provider->setEntityId($params['ENTITY_ID']); $provider->setSiteId(isset($params['SITE_ID']) ? $params['SITE_ID'] : SITE_ID); if ( isset($params['CLONE_DISK_OBJECTS']) && $params['CLONE_DISK_OBJECTS'] === true ) { $provider->cloneDiskObjects = true; } if ( isset($params['LOG_ID']) && intval($params['LOG_ID']) > 0 ) { $provider->setLogId(intval($params['LOG_ID'])); } } return $provider; } public static function canRead($params) { return false; } protected function getPermissions(array $entity) { return self::PERMISSION_DENY; } public function getLogId() { $result = false; if (intval($this->logId) > 0) { $result = intval($this->logId); } else { $eventId = $this->getEventId(); if (!empty($eventId)) { if ($this->getType() == Provider::TYPE_POST) { $filter = array( 'EVENT_ID' => $eventId ); if ($this->getId() == LogEvent::PROVIDER_ID) { $filter['=ID'] = $this->entityId; } else { $filter['=SOURCE_ID'] = $this->entityId; } $res = \CSocNetLog::getList( array(), $filter, false, array('nTopCount' => 1), array('ID') ); if ( ($logEntry = $res->fetch()) && (intval($logEntry['ID']) > 0) ) { $result = $this->logId = intval($logEntry['ID']); } } elseif ($this->getType() == Provider::TYPE_COMMENT) { $filter = array( 'EVENT_ID' => $eventId ); if ($this->getId() == LogComment::PROVIDER_ID) { $filter['ID'] = $this->entityId; } else { $filter['SOURCE_ID'] = $this->entityId; } $res = \CSocNetLogComments::getList( array(), $filter, false, array('nTopCount' => 1), array('ID', 'LOG_ID') ); if ( ($logEntry = $res->fetch()) && (intval($logEntry['LOG_ID']) > 0) ) { $result = $this->logId = intval($logEntry['LOG_ID']); } } } } return $result; } public function getSonetGroupsAvailable($feature = false, $operation = false) { global $USER; $result = array(); $logRights = $this->getLogRights(); if ( !empty($logRights) && is_array($logRights) ) { foreach($logRights as $groupCode) { if (preg_match('/^SG(\d+)/', $groupCode, $matches)) { $result[] = $matches[1]; } } } if ( !empty($result) && !!$feature && !!$operation ) { $availability = \CSocNetFeaturesPerms::canPerformOperation( $USER->getId(), SONET_ENTITY_GROUP, $result, $feature, $operation ); foreach ($result as $key => $groupId) { if ( !isset($availability[$groupId]) || !$availability[$groupId] ) { unset($result[$key]); } } } $result = array_unique($result); return $result; } public function getLogRights() { $result = array(); $logId = $this->getLogId(); if ($logId > 0) { $result = $this->getLogRightsEntry(); } return $result; } protected function getLogRightsEntry() { $result = array(); if ($this->logId > 0) { $res = \CSocNetLogRights::getList( array(), array( 'LOG_ID' => $this->logId ) ); while ($right = $res->fetch()) { $result[] = $right['GROUP_CODE']; } } return $result; } public function setEntityId($entityId) { $this->entityId = $entityId; } final protected function getEntityId() { return $this->entityId; } final public function setLogId($logId) { $this->logId = $logId; } final protected function setSourceFields(array $fields) { $this->sourceFields = $fields; } public function initSourceFields() { return $this->sourceFields; } final protected function getSourceFields() { return $this->sourceFields; } final protected function setSourceDescription($description) { $this->sourceDescription = $description; } public function getSourceDescription() { if (empty($this->sourceFields)) { $this->initSourceFields(); } $result = $this->sourceDescription; if ($this->cloneDiskObjects === true) { $this->getAttachedDiskObjects(true); $result = $this->processDescription($result); } return $result; } final protected function setSourceTitle($title) { $this->sourceTitle = $title; } public function getSourceTitle() { if (empty($this->sourceFields)) { $this->initSourceFields(); } return $this->sourceTitle; } final protected function setSourceOriginalText($text) { $this->sourceOriginalText = $text; } public function getSourceOriginalText() { if (empty($this->sourceFields)) { $this->initSourceFields(); } return $this->sourceOriginalText; } final protected function setSourceAuxData($auxData) { $this->sourceAuxData = $auxData; } public function getSourceAuxData() { if (empty($this->sourceFields)) { $this->initSourceFields(); } return $this->sourceAuxData; } final protected function setSourceAttachedDiskObjects(array $diskAttachedObjects) { $this->sourceAttachedDiskObjects = $diskAttachedObjects; } final protected function setSourceDiskObjects(array $files) { $this->sourceDiskObjects = $files; } final public function setDiskObjectsCloned(array $values) { $this->diskObjectsCloned = $values; } final public function getDiskObjectsCloned() { return $this->diskObjectsCloned; } final public function getAttachedDiskObjectsCloned() { return $this->attachedDiskObjectsCloned; } public function getSourceAttachedDiskObjects() { if (empty($this->sourceFields)) { $this->initSourceFields(); } return $this->sourceAttachedDiskObjects; } public function getSourceDiskObjects() { if (empty($this->sourceFields)) { $this->initSourceFields(); } return $this->sourceDiskObjects; } protected function getAttachedDiskObjects($clone = false) { return array(); } protected static function cloneUfValues(array $values) { global $USER; $result = array(); if (Loader::includeModule('disk')) { $result = \Bitrix\Disk\Driver::getInstance()->getUserFieldManager()->cloneUfValuesFromAttachedObject($values, $USER->getId()); } return $result; } public function getDiskObjects($entityId, $clone = false) { $result = array(); if ($clone) { $result = $this->getAttachedDiskObjects(true); if ( empty($this->diskObjectsCloned) && Loader::includeModule('disk') ) { foreach($result as $clonedDiskObjectId) { if ( in_array($clonedDiskObjectId, $this->attachedDiskObjectsCloned) && ($attachedDiskObjectId = array_search($clonedDiskObjectId, $this->attachedDiskObjectsCloned)) ) { $attachedObject = \Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject::loadById($attachedDiskObjectId); if ($attachedObject) { $this->diskObjectsCloned[\Bitrix\Disk\Uf\FileUserType::NEW_FILE_PREFIX.$attachedObject->getObjectId()] = $this->attachedDiskObjectsCloned[$attachedDiskObjectId]; } } } } return $result; } else { $diskObjects = $this->getAttachedDiskObjects(false); if ( !empty($diskObjects) && Loader::includeModule('disk') ) { foreach ($diskObjects as $attachedObjectId) { $attachedObject = \Bitrix\Disk\AttachedObject::loadById($attachedObjectId); if ($attachedObject) { $result[] = \Bitrix\Disk\Uf\FileUserType::NEW_FILE_PREFIX.$attachedObject->getObjectId(); } } } } return $result; } final private function processDescription($text) { $result = $text; $diskObjectsCloned = $this->getDiskObjectsCloned(); $attachedDiskObjectsCloned = $this->getAttachedDiskObjectsCloned(); if ( !empty($diskObjectsCloned) && is_array($diskObjectsCloned) ) { $result = preg_replace_callback( "#\\[disk file id=(n\\d+)\\]#is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array($this, "parseDiskObjectsCloned"), $result ); } if ( !empty($attachedDiskObjectsCloned) && is_array($attachedDiskObjectsCloned) ) { $result = preg_replace_callback( "#\\[disk file id=(\\d+)\\]#is".BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array($this, "parseAttachedDiskObjectsCloned"), $result ); } return $result; } final private function parseDiskObjectsCloned($matches) { $text = $matches[0]; $diskObjectsCloned = $this->getDiskObjectsCloned(); if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $diskObjectsCloned)) { $text = str_replace($matches[1], $diskObjectsCloned[$matches[1]], $text); } return $text; } final private function parseAttachedDiskObjectsCloned($matches) { $text = $matches[0]; $attachedDiskObjectsCloned = $this->getAttachedDiskObjectsCloned(); if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $attachedDiskObjectsCloned)) { $text = str_replace($matches[1], $attachedDiskObjectsCloned[$matches[1]], $text); } return $text; } public function getLiveFeedUrl() { return ''; } final function getContentTypeId() { return static::CONTENT_TYPE_ID; } public static function getContentId($event = array()) { $result = false; if (!is_array($event)) { return $result; } $contentEntityType = $contentEntityId = false; if ( !empty($event["EVENT_ID"]) && $event["EVENT_ID"] == 'photo' ) { $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_ALBUM; $contentEntityId = intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]); } elseif ( !empty($event["EVENT_ID"]) && $event["EVENT_ID"] == 'photo_photo' ) { $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_PHOTO; $contentEntityId = intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]); } elseif ( !empty($event["EVENT_ID"]) && $event["EVENT_ID"] == 'data' ) { $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LOG_ENTRY; $contentEntityId = intval($event["ID"]); } elseif ( !empty($event["RATING_TYPE_ID"]) && !empty($event["RATING_ENTITY_ID"]) && intval($event["RATING_ENTITY_ID"]) > 0 ) { $contentEntityType = $event["RATING_TYPE_ID"]; $contentEntityId = intval($event["RATING_ENTITY_ID"]); if (in_array($event["RATING_TYPE_ID"], array('IBLOCK_ELEMENT', 'IBLOCK_SECTION'))) { $res = LogTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( '=RATING_TYPE_ID' => $event["RATING_TYPE_ID"], '=RATING_ENTITY_ID' => $event["RATING_ENTITY_ID"], ), 'select' => array('EVENT_ID') )); if ($logEntryFields = $res->fetch()) { if ($event["RATING_TYPE_ID"] == 'IBLOCK_ELEMENT') { $found = false; $photogalleryPhotoProvider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\PhotogalleryPhoto; if (in_array($logEntryFields['EVENT_ID'], $photogalleryPhotoProvider->getEventId())) { $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_PHOTO; $contentEntityId = intval($event["RATING_ENTITY_ID"]); $found = true; } if (!$found) { $wikiProvider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\Wiki; if (in_array($logEntryFields['EVENT_ID'], $wikiProvider->getEventId())) { $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_WIKI; $contentEntityId = intval($event["RATING_ENTITY_ID"]); $found = true; } } } elseif ($event["RATING_TYPE_ID"] == 'IBLOCK_SECTION') { $photogalleryalbumProvider = new \Bitrix\Socialnetwork\Livefeed\PhotogalleryAlbum; if (in_array($logEntryFields['EVENT_ID'], $photogalleryalbumProvider->getEventId())) { $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_PHOTOGALLERY_ALBUM; $contentEntityId = intval($event["RATING_ENTITY_ID"]); } } } } } elseif ( !empty($event["EVENT_ID"]) && !empty($event["SOURCE_ID"]) && intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]) > 0 ) { switch ($event["EVENT_ID"]) { case "tasks": $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TASKS_TASK; $contentEntityId = intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]); break; case "calendar": $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_CALENDAR_EVENT; $contentEntityId = intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]); break; case "timeman_entry": $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TIMEMAN_ENTRY; $contentEntityId = intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]); break; case "report": $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_TIMEMAN_REPORT; $contentEntityId = intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]); break; case "lists_new_element": $contentEntityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_LISTS_ITEM; $contentEntityId = intval($event["SOURCE_ID"]); break; default: } } if ( $contentEntityType && $contentEntityId > 0 ) { $result = array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $contentEntityType, 'ENTITY_ID' => $contentEntityId ); } return $result; } public function setContentView($params = array()) { global $USER; if (!is_array($params)) { $params = array(); } if ( !isset($params["user_id"]) && is_object($USER) && isset($_SESSION["SONET_ADMIN"]) ) // don't track users on God Mode { return false; } $userId = ( isset($params["user_id"]) && intval($params["user_id"]) > 0 ? intval($params["user_id"]) : ( is_object($USER) ? $USER->getId() : 0 ) ); $contentTypeId = $this->getContentTypeId(); $contentEntityId = $this->getEntityId(); $logId = $this->getLogId(); $save = (!isset($params["save"]) || !!$params["save"]); if ( intval($userId) <= 0 || !$contentTypeId ) { return false; } $viewParams = array( 'userId' => $userId, 'typeId' => $contentTypeId, 'entityId' => $contentEntityId, 'logId' => $logId, 'save' => $save ); $result = UserContentViewTable::set($viewParams); if ( $result && isset($result['success']) && $result['success'] ) { /* TODO: markAsRead sonet module notifications ContentViewHandler::onContentViewed($viewParams); */ if (UserContentView::getAvailability()) { if ( isset($result['savedInDB']) && $result['savedInDB'] ) { if (Loader::includeModule('pull')) { \CPullWatch::addToStack('CONTENTVIEW'.$contentTypeId."-".$contentEntityId, array( 'module_id' => 'contentview', 'command' => 'add', 'expiry' => 60, 'params' => array( "USER_ID" => $userId, "TYPE_ID" => $contentTypeId, "ENTITY_ID" => $contentEntityId, "CONTENT_ID" => $contentTypeId."-".$contentEntityId ) ) ); } } if ($logId > 0) { Subscription::onContentViewed(array( 'userId' => $userId, 'logId' => $logId )); } $event = new Main\Event( 'socialnetwork', 'onContentViewed', $viewParams ); $event->send(); } } return $result; } final public static function getEntityData(array $params) { $entityType = false; $entityId = false; $type = ( isset($params['TYPE']) && in_array($params['TYPE'], self::getTypes()) ? $params['TYPE'] : self::TYPE_POST ); if (!empty($params['EVENT_ID'])) { $blogPostLivefeedProvider = new BlogPost; if ( $type == self::TYPE_POST && in_array($params['EVENT_ID'], $blogPostLivefeedProvider->getEventId()) ) { $entityType = self::DATA_ENTITY_TYPE_BLOG_POST; $entityId = (isset($params['SOURCE_ID']) ? intval($params['SOURCE_ID']) : false); } } return ( $entityType && $entityId ? array( 'ENTITY_TYPE' => $entityType, 'ENTITY_ID' => $entityId ) : false ); } public function getSuffix() { return ''; } public function add() { return false; } final public function setLogEventId($eventId = '') { if (strlen($eventId) <= 0) { return false; } $this->logEventId = $eventId; return true; } final private function setLogEntityType($entityType = '') { if (strlen($entityType) <= 0) { return false; } $this->logEntityType = $entityType; return true; } final private function setLogEntityId($entityId = 0) { if (intval($entityId) <= 0) { return false; } $this->logEntityId = $entityId; return true; } final protected function getLogFields() { $return = array(); $logId = $this->getLogId(); if (intval($logId) <= 0) { return $return; } $res = LogTable::getList(array( 'filter' => array( 'ID' => $logId ), 'select' => array('EVENT_ID', 'ENTITY_TYPE', 'ENTITY_ID') )); if ($logFields = $res->fetch()) { $return = $logFields; $this->setLogEventId($logFields['EVENT_ID']); $this->setLogEntityType($logFields['ENTITY_TYPE']); $this->setLogEntityId($logFields['ENTITY_ID']); } return $return; } protected function getLogEventId() { $result = false; if ($this->logEventId !== null) { $result = $this->logEventId; } else { $logFields = $this->getLogFields(); if (!empty($logFields['EVENT_ID'])) { $result = $logFields['EVENT_ID']; } } return $result; } protected function getLogEntityType() { $result = false; if ($this->logEntityType !== null) { $result = $this->logEntityType; } else { $logFields = $this->getLogFields(); if (!empty($logFields['ENTITY_TYPE'])) { $result = $logFields['ENTITY_TYPE']; } } return $result; } protected function getLogEntityId() { $result = false; if ($this->logEntityId !== null) { $result = $this->logEntityId; } else { $logFields = $this->getLogFields(); if (!empty($logFields['ENTITY_ID'])) { $result = $logFields['ENTITY_ID']; } } return $result; } public function getAdditionalData($params = array()) { return array(); } protected function checkAdditionalDataParams(&$params) { if ( empty($params) || !is_array($params) || empty($params['id']) ) { return false; } if (!is_array($params['id'])) { $params['id'] = array($params['id']); } return true; } }