Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/general/country.php |
<? class CCountry { public static function GetList(&$by, &$order, $arFilter=Array(), &$is_filtered) { $err_mess = "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: "; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $arSqlSearch = Array(); if (is_array($arFilter)) { foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { if(count($val) <= 0) continue; } else { if( (strlen($val) <= 0) || ($val === "NOT_REF") ) continue; } $match_value_set = array_key_exists($key."_EXACT_MATCH", $arFilter); $key = strtoupper($key); switch($key) { case "ID": if ($val!="ALL") { $match = ($arFilter[$key."_EXACT_MATCH"]=="N" && $match_value_set) ? "Y" : "N"; $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("C.ID",$val,$match); } break; case "SHORT_NAME": case "NAME": $match = ($arFilter[$key."_EXACT_MATCH"]=="Y" && $match_value_set) ? "N" : "Y"; $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("C.".$key,$val,$match); break; case "SESSIONS1": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.SESSIONS>='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "SESSIONS2": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.SESSIONS<='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "NEW_GUESTS1": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.NEW_GUESTS>='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "NEW_GUESTS2": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.NEW_GUESTS<='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "HITS1": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.HITS>='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "HITS2": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.HITS<='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "EVENTS1": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.C_EVENTS>='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "EVENTS2": $arSqlSearch[] = "C.C_EVENTS<='".intval($val)."'"; break; } } } if ($by == "s_id") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.ID"; elseif ($by == "s_short_name") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.SHORT_NAME"; elseif ($by == "s_name") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.NAME"; elseif ($by == "s_sessions") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.SESSIONS"; elseif ($by == "s_dropdown") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.NEW_GUESTS desc, C.NAME"; elseif ($by == "s_new_guests") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.NEW_GUESTS"; elseif ($by == "s_hits") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.HITS "; elseif ($by == "s_events") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.C_EVENTS "; else { $by = "s_name"; $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY C.NAME"; } if ($order=="desc") { $strSqlOrder .= " desc "; $order="desc"; } else { $strSqlOrder .= " asc "; $order="asc"; } $strSqlSearch = GetFilterSqlSearch($arSqlSearch); $strSql = " SELECT C.*, C.ID as REFERENCE_ID, ".$DB->Concat("'['", "C.ID", "'] '", $DB->IsNull("C.NAME","''"))." as REFERENCE FROM b_stat_country C WHERE $strSqlSearch $strSqlOrder "; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $is_filtered = (IsFiltered($strSqlSearch)); return $res; } // returns arrays needed to plot graph and diagram public static function GetGraphArray($arFilter, &$arLegend) { $err_mess = "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: "; global $arCountryColor; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $arSqlSearch = Array(); if (is_array($arFilter)) { foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { if(count($val) <= 0) continue; } else { if( (strlen($val) <= 0) || ($val === "NOT_REF") ) continue; } $match_value_set = array_key_exists($key."_EXACT_MATCH", $arFilter); $key = strtoupper($key); switch($key) { case "COUNTRY_ID": if ($val!="NOT_REF") $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("D.COUNTRY_ID",$val,"N"); break; case "DATE1": if (CheckDateTime($val)) $arSqlSearch[] = "D.DATE_STAT>=".$DB->CharToDateFunction($val, "SHORT"); break; case "DATE2": if (CheckDateTime($val)) $arSqlSearch[] = "D.DATE_STAT<=".$DB->CharToDateFunction($val." 23:59:59", "FULL"); break; } } } $arrDays = array(); $arLegend = array(); $strSqlSearch = GetFilterSqlSearch($arSqlSearch); $strSql = " SELECT ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("D.DATE_STAT","SHORT")." DATE_STAT, ".$DB->DateFormatToDB("DD", "D.DATE_STAT")." DAY, ".$DB->DateFormatToDB("MM", "D.DATE_STAT")." MONTH, ".$DB->DateFormatToDB("YYYY", "D.DATE_STAT")." YEAR, D.COUNTRY_ID, D.SESSIONS, D.NEW_GUESTS, D.HITS, D.C_EVENTS, C.NAME, C.SESSIONS TOTAL_SESSIONS, C.NEW_GUESTS TOTAL_NEW_GUESTS, C.HITS TOTAL_HITS, C.C_EVENTS TOTAL_C_EVENTS FROM b_stat_country_day D INNER JOIN b_stat_country C ON (C.ID = D.COUNTRY_ID) WHERE ".$strSqlSearch." ORDER BY D.DATE_STAT, D.COUNTRY_ID "; $rsD = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($arD = $rsD->Fetch()) { $arrDays[$arD["DATE_STAT"]]["D"] = $arD["DAY"]; $arrDays[$arD["DATE_STAT"]]["M"] = $arD["MONTH"]; $arrDays[$arD["DATE_STAT"]]["Y"] = $arD["YEAR"]; $arrDays[$arD["DATE_STAT"]][$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["SESSIONS"] = $arD["SESSIONS"]; $arrDays[$arD["DATE_STAT"]][$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["NEW_GUESTS"] = $arD["NEW_GUESTS"]; $arrDays[$arD["DATE_STAT"]][$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["HITS"] = $arD["HITS"]; $arrDays[$arD["DATE_STAT"]][$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["C_EVENTS"] = $arD["C_EVENTS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["NAME"] = $arD["NAME"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["SESSIONS"] += $arD["SESSIONS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["NEW_GUESTS"] += $arD["NEW_GUESTS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["HITS"] += $arD["HITS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["C_EVENTS"] += $arD["C_EVENTS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["TOTAL_SESSIONS"] = $arD["TOTAL_SESSIONS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["TOTAL_NEW_GUESTS"] = $arD["TOTAL_NEW_GUESTS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["TOTAL_HITS"] = $arD["TOTAL_HITS"]; $arLegend[$arD["COUNTRY_ID"]]["TOTAL_C_EVENTS"] = $arD["TOTAL_C_EVENTS"]; } $color_getnext = ""; $total = sizeof($arLegend); foreach ($arLegend as $key => $arr) { if (strlen($arCountryColor[$key])>0) { $color = $arCountryColor[$key]; } else { $color = GetNextRGB($color_getnext, $total); $color_getnext = $color; } $arr["COLOR"] = $color; $arLegend[$key] = $arr; } reset($arrDays); reset($arLegend); return $arrDays; } } ?>