Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/mysql/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/mysql/searcher.php |
<?php require_once($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/statistic/classes/general/searcher.php"); class CSearcher extends CAllSearcher { public static function GetGraphArray_SQL($strSqlSearch) { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $strSql = " SELECT ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("D.DATE_STAT","SHORT")." DATE_STAT, DAYOFMONTH(D.DATE_STAT) DAY, MONTH(D.DATE_STAT) MONTH, YEAR(D.DATE_STAT) YEAR, D.SEARCHER_ID, D.TOTAL_HITS, C.NAME FROM b_stat_searcher_day D INNER JOIN b_stat_searcher C ON (C.ID = D.SEARCHER_ID) WHERE $strSqlSearch ORDER BY D.DATE_STAT, D.SEARCHER_ID "; return $strSql; } public static function GetList(&$by, &$order, $arFilter=Array(), &$is_filtered, $LIMIT=false) { $err_mess = "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: "; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $arSqlSearch = Array("S.ID <> 1"); $arSqlSearch_h = Array(); $strSqlSearch_h = ""; $filter_period = false; $strSqlPeriod = ""; $strT = ""; if (is_array($arFilter)) { ResetFilterLogic(); $date1 = $arFilter["DATE1_PERIOD"]; $date2 = $arFilter["DATE2_PERIOD"]; $date_from = MkDateTime(ConvertDateTime($date1,"D.M.Y"),"d.m.Y"); $date_to = MkDateTime(ConvertDateTime($date2,"D.M.Y")." 23:59","d.m.Y H:i"); if (CheckDateTime($date1) && strlen($date1)>0) { $filter_period = true; if (strlen($date2)>0) { $strSqlPeriod = "sum(if(D.DATE_STAT<FROM_UNIXTIME('$date_from'),0, if(D.DATE_STAT>FROM_UNIXTIME('$date_to'),0,"; $strT=")))"; } else { $strSqlPeriod = "sum(if(D.DATE_STAT<FROM_UNIXTIME('$date_from'),0,"; $strT="))"; } } elseif (CheckDateTime($date2) && strlen($date2)>0) { ResetFilterLogic(); $filter_period = true; $strSqlPeriod = "sum(if(D.DATE_STAT>FROM_UNIXTIME('$date_to'),0,"; $strT="))"; } foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { if(count($val) <= 0) continue; } else { if( (strlen($val) <= 0) || ($val === "NOT_REF") ) continue; } $match_value_set = array_key_exists($key."_EXACT_MATCH", $arFilter); $key = strtoupper($key); switch($key) { case "ID": $match = ($arFilter[$key."_EXACT_MATCH"]=="N" && $match_value_set) ? "Y" : "N"; $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("S.ID",$val,$match); break; case "ACTIVE": case "SAVE_STATISTIC": case "DIAGRAM_DEFAULT": $arSqlSearch[] = ($val=="Y") ? "S.".$key."='Y'" : "S.".$key."='N'"; break; case "HITS1": $arSqlSearch_h[] = "(sum(ifnull(D.TOTAL_HITS,0))+ifnull(S.TOTAL_HITS,0))>='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "HITS2": $arSqlSearch_h[] = "(sum(ifnull(D.TOTAL_HITS,0))+ifnull(S.TOTAL_HITS,0))<='".intval($val)."'"; break; case "DATE1": if (CheckDateTime($val)) $arSqlSearch_h[] = "max(D.DATE_LAST)>=".$DB->CharToDateFunction($val, "SHORT"); break; case "DATE2": if (CheckDateTime($val)) $arSqlSearch_h[] = "max(D.DATE_LAST)<".$DB->CharToDateFunction($val, "SHORT")." + INTERVAL 1 DAY"; break; case "NAME": case "USER_AGENT": $match = ($arFilter[$key."_EXACT_MATCH"]=="Y" && $match_value_set) ? "N" : "Y"; $arSqlSearch[] = GetFilterQuery("S.".$key, $val, $match); break; } } } if ($by == "s_id") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY S.ID"; elseif ($by == "s_date_last") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY S_DATE_LAST"; elseif ($by == "s_today_hits") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY TODAY_HITS"; elseif ($by == "s_yesterday_hits") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY YESTERDAY_HITS"; elseif ($by == "s_b_yesterday_hits") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY B_YESTERDAY_HITS"; elseif ($by == "s_total_hits") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY TOTAL_HITS"; elseif ($by == "s_period_hits") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY PERIOD_HITS"; elseif ($by == "s_name") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY S.NAME"; elseif ($by == "s_user_agent") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY S.USER_AGENT"; elseif ($by == "s_chart") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY S.DIAGRAM_DEFAULT desc, TOTAL_HITS "; elseif ($by == "s_stat") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY TODAY_HITS desc, YESTERDAY_HITS desc, B_YESTERDAY_HITS desc, TOTAL_HITS desc, PERIOD_HITS"; else { $by = "s_today_hits"; $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY TODAY_HITS desc, YESTERDAY_HITS desc, B_YESTERDAY_HITS desc, TOTAL_HITS desc, PERIOD_HITS"; } if ($order!="asc") { $strSqlOrder .= " desc "; $order="desc"; } $limit_sql = "LIMIT ".intval(COption::GetOptionString('statistic','RECORDS_LIMIT')); if (intval($LIMIT)>0) $limit_sql = "LIMIT ".intval($LIMIT); $strSqlSearch = GetFilterSqlSearch($arSqlSearch); foreach($arSqlSearch_h as $sqlWhere) $strSqlSearch_h .= " and (".$sqlWhere.") "; $strSql = " SELECT S.ID, S.TOTAL_HITS, S.USER_AGENT, S.DIAGRAM_DEFAULT, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("max(D.DATE_LAST)")." DATE_LAST, max(ifnull(D.DATE_LAST,'1980-01-01')) S_DATE_LAST, sum(ifnull(D.TOTAL_HITS,0))+ifnull(S.TOTAL_HITS,0) TOTAL_HITS, sum(if(to_days(curdate())=to_days(D.DATE_STAT),ifnull(D.TOTAL_HITS,0),0)) TODAY_HITS, sum(if(to_days(curdate())-to_days(D.DATE_STAT)=1,ifnull(D.TOTAL_HITS,0),0)) YESTERDAY_HITS, sum(if(to_days(curdate())-to_days(D.DATE_STAT)=2,ifnull(D.TOTAL_HITS,0),0)) B_YESTERDAY_HITS, ".($filter_period ? $strSqlPeriod.'ifnull(D.TOTAL_HITS,0)'.$strT.' PERIOD_HITS, ' : '0 PERIOD_HITS,')." S.NAME FROM b_stat_searcher S LEFT JOIN b_stat_searcher_day D ON (D.SEARCHER_ID = S.ID) WHERE $strSqlSearch and S.ID<>1 GROUP BY S.ID HAVING '1'='1' $strSqlSearch_h $strSqlOrder $limit_sql "; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $is_filtered = (IsFiltered($strSqlSearch) || $filter_period || strlen($strSqlSearch_h)>0); return $res; } public static function GetDropDownList($strSqlOrder="ORDER BY NAME, ID") { $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $err_mess = "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: "; $strSql = " SELECT ID as REFERENCE_ID, concat(ifnull(NAME,''),' [',ID,']') as REFERENCE FROM b_stat_searcher WHERE ID <> 1 $strSqlOrder "; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); return $res; } public static function GetDynamicList($SEARCHER_ID, &$by, &$order, &$arMaxMin, $arFilter=Array()) { $err_mess = "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: "; $DB = CDatabase::GetModuleConnection('statistic'); $SEARCHER_ID = intval($SEARCHER_ID); $arSqlSearch = Array(); $strSqlSearch = ""; if (is_array($arFilter)) { foreach ($arFilter as $key => $val) { if(is_array($val)) { if(count($val) <= 0) continue; } else { if( (strlen($val) <= 0) || ($val === "NOT_REF") ) continue; } $key = strtoupper($key); switch($key) { case "DATE1": if (CheckDateTime($val)) $arSqlSearch[] = "D.DATE_STAT>=".$DB->CharToDateFunction($val, "SHORT"); break; case "DATE2": if (CheckDateTime($val)) $arSqlSearch[] = "D.DATE_STAT<".$DB->CharToDateFunction($val, "SHORT")." + INTERVAL 1 DAY"; break; } } } foreach($arSqlSearch as $sqlWhere) $strSqlSearch .= " and (".$sqlWhere.") "; if ($by == "s_date") $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY D.DATE_STAT"; else { $by = "s_date"; $strSqlOrder = "ORDER BY D.DATE_STAT"; } if ($order!="asc") { $strSqlOrder .= " desc "; $order="desc"; } $strSql = " SELECT ".$DB->DateToCharFunction("D.DATE_STAT","SHORT")." DATE_STAT, DAYOFMONTH(D.DATE_STAT) DAY, MONTH(D.DATE_STAT) MONTH, YEAR(D.DATE_STAT) YEAR, D.TOTAL_HITS FROM b_stat_searcher_day D WHERE D.SEARCHER_ID = $SEARCHER_ID $strSqlSearch $strSqlOrder "; $res = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $strSql = " SELECT max(D.DATE_STAT) DATE_LAST, min(D.DATE_STAT) DATE_FIRST, DAYOFMONTH(max(D.DATE_STAT)) MAX_DAY, MONTH(max(D.DATE_STAT)) MAX_MONTH, YEAR(max(D.DATE_STAT)) MAX_YEAR, DAYOFMONTH(min(D.DATE_STAT)) MIN_DAY, MONTH(min(D.DATE_STAT)) MIN_MONTH, YEAR(min(D.DATE_STAT)) MIN_YEAR FROM b_stat_searcher_day D WHERE D.SEARCHER_ID = $SEARCHER_ID $strSqlSearch "; $a = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $ar = $a->Fetch(); $arMaxMin["MAX_DAY"] = $ar["MAX_DAY"]; $arMaxMin["MAX_MONTH"] = $ar["MAX_MONTH"]; $arMaxMin["MAX_YEAR"] = $ar["MAX_YEAR"]; $arMaxMin["MIN_DAY"] = $ar["MIN_DAY"]; $arMaxMin["MIN_MONTH"] = $ar["MIN_MONTH"]; $arMaxMin["MIN_YEAR"] = $ar["MIN_YEAR"]; return $res; } }