Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/support/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/support/classes/general/coupons.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CSupportSuperCoupon { function Generate($arParams = array()) { global $DB, $USER, $APPLICATION; if (!is_array($arParams)) { $arParams = array(); } if(array_key_exists('KEY_FORMAT', $arParams) && strlen($arParams['KEY_FORMAT']) > 0) { $couponFormat = $arParams['KEY_FORMAT']; } else { $couponFormat = COption::GetOptionString('support', 'SUPERTICKET_COUPON_FORMAT'); } $count = array_key_exists('COUNT_TICKETS', $arParams) ? intval($arParams['COUNT_TICKETS']) : 5; if ($count <= 0) { $count = 5; } $slaID = array_key_exists('SLA_ID', $arParams) ? $arParams['SLA_ID'] : COption::GetOptionString("support", 'SUPERTICKET_DEFAULT_SLA'); $slaID = intval($slaID); if ($slaID <= 0) { $slaID = false; } $coupon = false; $DB->StartTransaction(); for ($i = 0; $i < 100; ++$i) { $coupon = preg_replace_callback('|#|'.BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, array('CSupportSuperCoupon', '_getrandsymbol'), $couponFormat); $rs = CSupportSuperCoupon::GetList(false, array('COUPON' => $coupon)); if ($rs->Fetch()) { $coupon = false; } else { break; } } if ($coupon !== false) { $arFields = array( 'COUPON' => $coupon, 'COUNT_TICKETS' => $count, 'SLA_ID' => $slaID, 'ACTIVE_FROM' => $arParams['ACTIVE_FROM'], 'ACTIVE_TO' => $arParams['ACTIVE_TO'], 'ACTIVE' => $arParams['ACTIVE'], ); $ID = CSupportSuperCoupon::Add($arFields); if ($ID === false) { $DB->Rollback(); return $ID; } } else { $DB->Rollback(); $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage('SUP_ST_ERROR_NO_NEW_COUPON')); } $DB->Commit(); return $coupon; } function Add($arFields) { global $DB, $USER; if(!CSupportSuperCoupon::__CheckFields($arFields)) return false; $arFields['~TIMESTAMP_X'] = $DB->GetNowFunction(); $arFields['~DATE_CREATE'] = $DB->GetNowFunction(); if(isset($USER) && is_object($USER)) { $arFields['CREATED_USER_ID'] = intval($USER->GetID()); } if (array_key_exists('TIMESTAMP_X', $arFields)) { unset($arFields['TIMESTAMP_X']); } if (array_key_exists('DATE_CREATE', $arFields)) { unset($arFields['DATE_CREATE']); } return $DB->Add('b_ticket_supercoupons', $arFields); } function Update($ID, $arFields) { global $DB, $APPLICATION, $USER; $ID = intval($ID); if(!CSupportSuperCoupon::__CheckFields($arFields)) return false; $arFields['~TIMESTAMP_X'] = $DB->GetNowFunction(); if(isset($USER) && is_object($USER)) { $arFields['UPDATED_USER_ID'] = $USER->GetID(); } $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate('b_ticket_supercoupons', $arFields); if (strlen($strUpdate) > 0) { $strSql = "UPDATE b_ticket_supercoupons SET $strUpdate WHERE ID=$ID"; $q = $DB->Query($strSql, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); $rows = intval($q->AffectedRowsCount()); } else { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage('SUP_ST_ERROR_NO_UPDATE_DATA')); return false; } if ($rows <= 0) { $APPLICATION->ThrowException(GetMessage('SUP_ST_ERROR_NO_UPDATES_ROWS')); return false; } return true; } function UseCoupon($coupon) { global $DB, $USER; $ret = false; $arFields = false; $arLogFields = false; $arCoupon = false; $curr = ConvertTimeStamp(); $arFilter = array( 'LOGIC' => 'AND', 'COUPON' => $coupon, '=ACTIVE' => 'Y', array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', 'ACTIVE_FROM' => false, '<=ACTIVE_FROM' => $curr, ), array( 'LOGIC' => 'OR', 'ACTIVE_TO' => false, '>=ACTIVE_TO' => $curr, ) ); $DB->StartTransaction(); $rs = CSupportSuperCoupon::GetList(false, $arFilter); if ($arCoupon = $rs->Fetch()) { $countTickets = intval($arCoupon['COUNT_TICKETS']); if ($countTickets > 0) { $countTickets--; $arFields = array( 'COUNT_TICKETS' => $countTickets, 'TIMESTAMP_X' => $DB->GetNowFunction(), //'UPDATED_USER_ID' => (isset($USER) && is_object($USER)) ? $USER->GetID() : false, 'COUNT_USED' => 'COUNT_USED + 1' ); if(isset($USER) && is_object($USER)) { $arFields['UPDATED_USER_ID'] = $USER->GetID(); } if ($aff_rows = $DB->Update('b_ticket_supercoupons', $arFields, 'WHERE ID=' . $arCoupon['ID'])) { $ret = true; } } $arLogFields = array( '~TIMESTAMP_X' => $DB->GetNowFunction(), 'COUPON_ID' => $arCoupon['ID'], 'USER_ID' => ((isset($USER) && is_object($USER)) ? $USER->GetID() : false), 'SUCCESS' => $ret ? 'Y' : 'N', 'AFTER_COUNT' => $countTickets, 'SESSION_ID' => (array_key_exists('SESS_SESSION_ID', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['SESS_SESSION_ID'] : false), 'GUEST_ID' => (array_key_exists('SESS_GUEST_ID', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['SESS_GUEST_ID'] : false), 'AFFECTED_ROWS' => $aff_rows, 'COUPON' => $coupon, ); $arInsert = $DB->PrepareInsert('b_ticket_supercoupons_log', $arLogFields); $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_ticket_supercoupons_log (".$arInsert[0].") ". "VALUES(".$arInsert[1].")"; $DB->Query($strSql, false, 'File: ' . __FILE__ . ' Line: ' . __LINE__); $arMail = array( 'COUPON' => $coupon, 'COUPON_ID' => $arCoupon['ID'], 'DATE' => ConvertTimeStamp(false, 'FULL'), 'USER_ID' => ((isset($USER) && is_object($USER)) ? $USER->GetID() : -1), 'SESSION_ID' => (array_key_exists('SESS_SESSION_ID', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['SESS_SESSION_ID'] : -1), 'GUEST_ID' => (array_key_exists('SESS_GUEST_ID', $_SESSION) ? $_SESSION['SESS_GUEST_ID'] : -1), ); $rsEvents = GetModuleEvents('support', 'OnBeforeSendCouponEMail'); while ($arEvent = $rsEvents->Fetch()) { $arMail = ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($arMail)); } if ($arMail) { $e = new CEvent(); $e->Send('TICKET_GENERATE_SUPERCOUPON', SITE_ID, $arMail); } } $DB->Commit(); $rsEvents = GetModuleEvents('support', 'OnAfterUseCoupon'); while ($arEvent = $rsEvents->Fetch()) { ExecuteModuleEventEx($arEvent, array($coupon, $arCoupon, $arFields, $arLogFields)); } return $ret; } function GetList($arOrder = array(), $arFilter = array()) { global $DB; $arFields = array( 'ID' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.ID', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'int', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'COUPON' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.COUPON', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'string', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'COUNT_TICKETS' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.COUNT_TICKETS', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'int', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'TIMESTAMP_X' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.TIMESTAMP_X', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'datetime', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'DATE_CREATE' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.DATE_CREATE', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'datetime', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'CREATED_USER_ID' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.CREATED_USER_ID', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'int', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'UPDATED_USER_ID' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.UPDATED_USER_ID', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'int', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'ACTIVE' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.ACTIVE', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'string', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'ACTIVE_FROM' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.ACTIVE_FROM', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'date', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'ACTIVE_TO' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.ACTIVE_TO', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'date', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'COUNT_USED' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.COUNT_USED', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'date', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'SLA_ID' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'S', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'S.ID', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'int', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'SLA_NAME' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'S', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'S.NAME', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'string', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), ); $obQueryWhere = new CSQLWhere; $obQueryWhere->SetFields($arFields); $where = $obQueryWhere->GetQuery($arFilter); $order = ''; if (is_array($arOrder)) { foreach ($arOrder as $k => $v) { if (array_key_exists($k, $arFields)) { $v = strtoupper($v); if($v != 'DESC') { $v ='ASC'; } if (strlen($order) > 0) { $order .= ', '; } $order .= $arFields[$k]['FIELD_NAME'] . ' ' . $v; } } } $strQuery = 'SELECT C.ID, C.COUPON, C.COUNT_TICKETS, C.CREATED_USER_ID, C.UPDATED_USER_ID, C.ACTIVE ACTIVE, C.COUNT_USED COUNT_USED, '.$DB->DateToCharFunction('C.TIMESTAMP_X').' TIMESTAMP_X, '.$DB->DateToCharFunction('C.DATE_CREATE').' DATE_CREATE, '.$DB->DateToCharFunction('C.ACTIVE_FROM', 'SHORT').' ACTIVE_FROM, '.$DB->DateToCharFunction('C.ACTIVE_TO', 'SHORT').' ACTIVE_TO, UCR.LOGIN CREATED_LOGIN, UCR.NAME CREATED_FIRST_NAME, UCR.LAST_NAME CREATED_LAST_NAME, UUP.LOGIN UPDATED_LOGIN, UUP.NAME UPDATED_FIRST_NAME, UUP.LAST_NAME UPDATED_LAST_NAME, S.ID SLA_ID, S.NAME SLA_NAME FROM b_ticket_supercoupons C LEFT JOIN b_user UCR ON (C.CREATED_USER_ID IS NOT NULL AND C.CREATED_USER_ID = UCR.ID) LEFT JOIN b_user UUP ON (C.CREATED_USER_ID IS NOT NULL AND C.UPDATED_USER_ID = UUP.ID) LEFT JOIN b_ticket_sla S ON (C.SLA_ID IS NOT NULL AND C.SLA_ID = S.ID) '; if (strlen($where) > 0) { $strQuery .= ' WHERE ' . $where; } if (strlen($order) > 0) { $strQuery .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order; } return $DB->Query($strQuery, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } function Delete($ID) { global $DB; $ID = intval($ID); if ($ID > 0) { $DB->Query('DELETE FROM b_ticket_supercoupons WHERE ID=' . $ID, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } return true; } function GetLogList($arOrder = array(), $arFilter = array()) { global $DB; $arFields = array( 'COUPON_ID' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'C', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'C.ID', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'int', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'COUPON' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'L', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'L.COUPON', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'string', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'SUCCESS' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'L', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'L.SUCCESS', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'string', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'USER_ID' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'L', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'L.USER_ID', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'int', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), 'TIMESTAMP_X' => array( 'TABLE_ALIAS' => 'L', 'FIELD_NAME' => 'L.TIMESTAMP_X', 'FIELD_TYPE' => 'datetime', //int, double, file, enum, int, string, date, datetime 'JOIN' => false, ), ); $obQueryWhere = new CSQLWhere; $obQueryWhere->SetFields($arFields); $where = $obQueryWhere->GetQuery($arFilter); $order = ''; if (is_array($arOrder)) { foreach ($arOrder as $k => $v) { if (array_key_exists($k, $arFields)) { $v = strtoupper($v); if($v != 'DESC') { $v ='ASC'; } if (strlen($order) > 0) { $order .= ', '; } $order .= $arFields[$k]['FIELD_NAME'] . ' ' . $v; } } } $strQuery = "SELECT C.ID COUPON_ID, L.COUPON COUPON, L.USER_ID USER_ID, L.SUCCESS SUCCESS, L.AFTER_COUNT AFTER_COUNT, L.SESSION_ID SESSION_ID, L.GUEST_ID GUEST_ID, U.LOGIN LOGIN, U.NAME FIRST_NAME, U.LAST_NAME LAST_NAME, ".$DB->DateToCharFunction('L.TIMESTAMP_X')." TIMESTAMP_X FROM b_ticket_supercoupons_log L LEFT JOIN b_ticket_supercoupons C ON (L.COUPON_ID = C.ID) LEFT JOIN b_user U ON (L.USER_ID IS NOT NULL AND L.USER_ID = U.ID)"; if (strlen($where) > 0) { $strQuery .= ' WHERE ' . $where; } if (strlen($order) > 0) { $strQuery .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order; } return $DB->Query($strQuery, false, "File: ".__FILE__."<br>Line: ".__LINE__); } function _getrandsymbol($x) { return ToUpper(randString(1)); } function __CheckFields($arFields) { $aMsg = array(); if (is_set($arFields, "ACTIVE_FROM") && CheckDateTime($arFields['ACTIVE_FROM'], 'DD.MM.YYYY') && is_set($arFields, "ACTIVE_TO") && CheckDateTime($arFields['ACTIVE_TO'], 'DD.MM.YYYY')) { $dateElementsFrom = explode(".", $arFields["ACTIVE_FROM"]); $_activeFrom = mktime(0,0,0, $dateElementsFrom[1], $dateElementsFrom[0], $dateElementsFrom[2]); $dateElementsTo = explode(".", $arFields["ACTIVE_TO"]); $_activeTo = mktime(0,0,0, $dateElementsTo[1], $dateElementsTo[0], $dateElementsTo[2]); if ($_activeTo <= $_activeFrom) $aMsg[] = array("id"=>"ACTIVE_TO", "text"=>GetMessage("SUP_ST_ERR_DATE_INTERVAL")); } if(is_set($arFields, "ACTIVE") && !in_array($arFields['ACTIVE'], Array('Y','N'))) { $aMsg[] = array("id"=>"ACTIVE", "text"=>GetMessage("SUP_ST_ERR_ACTIVE")); } if(is_set($arFields, "SLA_ID") && IntVal($arFields['SLA_ID']) == 0) { $aMsg[] = array("id"=>"SLA_ID", "text"=>GetMessage("SUP_ST_ERR_SLA_ID")); } if(!empty($aMsg)) { $e = new CAdminException($aMsg); $GLOBALS["APPLICATION"]->ThrowException($e); return false; } return true; } } ?>