Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/support/classes/general/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/support/classes/general/dictionary.php |
<? IncludeModuleLangFile(__FILE__); class CAllTicketDictionary { function err_mess() { $module_id = "support"; @include($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/bitrix/modules/".$module_id."/install/version.php"); return "<br>Module: ".$module_id." <br>Class: CAllTicketDictionary<br>File: ".__FILE__; } function GetDefault($type, $siteID=SITE_ID) { if ($siteID=="all") { $siteID = ""; } $arFilter = array("DEFAULT" => "Y", "TYPE" => $type, "SITE" => $siteID); $v2 = $v3 = null; $rs = CTicketDictionary::GetList(($v1="s_dropdown"), $v2, $arFilter, $v3); $ar = $rs->Fetch(); return $ar["ID"]; } function GetNextSort($typeID) { global $DB; $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetNextSort<br>Line: "; $strSql = "SELECT max(C_SORT) MAX_SORT FROM b_ticket_dictionary WHERE C_TYPE='".$DB->ForSql($typeID,5)."'"; $z = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $zr = $z->Fetch(); return intval($zr["MAX_SORT"])+100; } function GetDropDown($type="C", $siteID=false, $sla_id=false) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetDropDown<br>Line: "; global $DB; if ($siteID==false || $siteID=="all") { $siteID = ""; } $arFilter = array("TYPE" => $type, "SITE" => $siteID); $v2 = $v3 = null; $rs = CTicketDictionary::GetList(($v1="s_dropdown"), $v2, $arFilter, $v3); $oldFunctionality = COption::GetOptionString( "support", "SUPPORT_OLD_FUNCTIONALITY", "Y" ); if( intval( $sla_id ) <= 0 || $oldFunctionality != "Y" || ( $type != "C" && $type!="K" && $type!="M" ) ) return $rs; switch($type) { case "C": $strSql = "SELECT CATEGORY_ID as DID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_category WHERE SLA_ID=" . intval( $sla_id ); break; case "K": $strSql = "SELECT CRITICALITY_ID as DID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_criticality WHERE SLA_ID=" . intval( $sla_id ); break; case "M": $strSql = "SELECT MARK_ID as DID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_mark WHERE SLA_ID=" . intval( $sla_id ); break; } $r = $DB->Query( $strSql, false, $err_mess . __LINE__ ); while( $a = $r->Fetch() ) $arDID[] = $a["DID"]; $arRecords = array(); while( $ar = $rs->Fetch() ) if( is_array( $arDID ) && ( in_array( $ar["ID"], $arDID ) || in_array( 0,$arDID ) ) ) $arRecords[] = $ar; $rs = new CDBResult; $rs->InitFromArray($arRecords); return $rs; } function GetDropDownArray($siteID = false, $SLA_ID = false, $arUnsetType = Array("F")) { //M, C, K, S, SR, D, F global $DB; $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetDropDownArray<br>Line: "; if ($siteID == false || $siteID == "all") $siteID = ""; $arFilter = Array("SITE" => $siteID); $arReturn = Array(); $v2 = $v3 = null; $rs = CTicketDictionary::GetList(($v1="s_dropdown"), $v2, $arFilter, $v3); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { if (in_array($ar["C_TYPE"], $arUnsetType)) continue; $arReturn[$ar["C_TYPE"]][$ar["ID"]] = $ar; } $oldFunctionality = COption::GetOptionString( "support", "SUPPORT_OLD_FUNCTIONALITY", "Y" ); if( intval($SLA_ID) > 0 && $oldFunctionality == "Y" ) { $SLA_ID = intval($SLA_ID); $strSql = "SELECT 'M' as C_TYPE, SLA_ID, MARK_ID as DIC_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_mark WHERE SLA_ID = ".$SLA_ID." UNION ALL SELECT 'K' as C_TYPE, SLA_ID, CRITICALITY_ID as DIC_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_criticality WHERE SLA_ID = ".$SLA_ID." UNION ALL SELECT 'C' as C_TYPE, SLA_ID, CATEGORY_ID as DIC_ID FROM b_ticket_sla_2_category WHERE SLA_ID = ".$SLA_ID; $r = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $arUnset = Array(); while ($ar = $r->Fetch()) { if ($ar["DIC_ID"] == 0) continue; else $arUnset[$ar["C_TYPE"]][] = $ar["DIC_ID"]; } if (!empty($arUnset) && !empty($arReturn)) { foreach ($arReturn as $type => $arID) { if (!array_key_exists($type, $arUnset)) continue; $arID = array_keys($arID); $arID = array_diff($arID, $arUnset[$type]); foreach ($arID as $val) unset($arReturn[$type][$val]); } } } return $arReturn; } // get array of languages related to contract function GetSiteArray($DICTIONARY_ID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetSiteArray<br>Line: "; global $DB; $DICTIONARY_ID = intval($DICTIONARY_ID); if ($DICTIONARY_ID<=0) return false; $arrRes = array(); $strSql = " SELECT DS.SITE_ID FROM b_ticket_dictionary_2_site DS WHERE DS.DICTIONARY_ID = $DICTIONARY_ID "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) $arrRes[] = $ar["SITE_ID"]; return $arrRes; } function GetSiteArrayForAllDictionaries() { static $GetSiteArrayForAllDictCache; if(is_array($GetSiteArrayForAllDictCache)) { return $GetSiteArrayForAllDictCache; } $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetSiteArrayForAllDictionaries<br>Line: "; global $DB; $GetSiteArrayForAllDictCache = array(); $strSql = " SELECT DS.SITE_ID, DS.DICTIONARY_ID FROM b_ticket_dictionary_2_site DS "; $rs = $DB->Query($strSql, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); while ($ar = $rs->Fetch()) { $GetSiteArrayForAllDictCache[$ar["DICTIONARY_ID"]][] = $ar["SITE_ID"]; } return $GetSiteArrayForAllDictCache; } function GetTypeList() { $arr = array( "reference"=>array( GetMessage("SUP_CATEGORY"), GetMessage("SUP_CRITICALITY"), GetMessage("SUP_STATUS"), GetMessage("SUP_MARK"), GetMessage("SUP_FUA"), GetMessage("SUP_SOURCE"), GetMessage("SUP_DIFFICULTY") ), "reference_id"=>array( "C", "K", "S", "M", "F", "SR", "D") ); return $arr; } function GetTypeNameByID($id) { $arr = CTicketDictionary::GetTypeList(); $KEY = array_search($id, $arr["reference_id"]); return $arr["reference"][$KEY]; } function GetByID($id) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetByID<br>Line: "; global $DB; $id = intval($id); if ($id<=0) { return; } $by = $order = $is_filtered = null; $res = CTicketDictionary::GetList($by, $order, array("ID" => $id), $is_filtered); return $res; } function GetBySID($sid, $type, $siteID=SITE_ID) { $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: GetBySID<br>Line: "; global $DB; $v1 = $v2 = $v3 = null; $rs = CTicketDictionary::GetList($v1, $v2, array("SITE_ID"=>$siteID, "TYPE"=>$type, "SID"=>$sid), $v3); return $rs; } function Delete($id, $CHECK_RIGHTS="Y") { $err_mess = (CAllTicketDictionary::err_mess())."<br>Function: Delete<br>Line: "; global $DB, $APPLICATION; $id = intval($id); if ($id<=0) { return; } $bAdmin = "N"; if ($CHECK_RIGHTS=="Y") { $bAdmin = (CTicket::IsAdmin()) ? "Y" : "N"; } else { $bAdmin = "Y"; } if ($bAdmin=="Y") { $DB->Query("DELETE FROM b_ticket_dictionary WHERE ID='$id'", false, $err_mess.__LINE__); $DB->Query('DELETE FROM b_ticket_dictionary_2_site WHERE DICTIONARY_ID=' . $id, false, $err_mess.__LINE__); } } function CheckFields($arFields, $id = false) { $arMsg = Array(); if ( $id ===false && !(array_key_exists('NAME', $arFields) && strlen($arFields['NAME']) > 0) ) { $arMsg[] = array("id"=>"NAME", "text"=> GetMessage("SUP_FORGOT_NAME")); } if ($id !== false) { $rs = CTicketDictionary::GetByID($id); if (!$rs->Fetch()) { $arMsg[] = array("id"=>"ID", "text"=> GetMessage("SUP_UNKNOWN_ID", array('#ID#' => $id))); } } if ( array_key_exists('SID', $arFields) && preg_match("#[^A-Za-z_0-9]#", $arFields['SID']) ) { $arMsg[] = array("id"=>"SID", "text"=> GetMessage("SUP_INCORRECT_SID")); } elseif ( strlen($arFields['SID']) > 0 && array_key_exists('arrSITE', $arFields) && is_array($arFields['arrSITE']) && count($arFields['arrSITE']) > 0 ) { $arFilter = array( "TYPE" => $arFields['C_TYPE'], "SID" => $arFields['SID'], "SITE" => $arFields['arrSITE'], ); if (intval($id) > 0) { $arFilter['ID'] = '~'.intval($id); } $v1 = $v2 = $v3 = null; $z = CTicketDictionary::GetList($v1, $v2, $arFilter, $v3); if ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { $arMsg[] = array( "id"=>"SID", "text"=> GetMessage( 'SUP_SID_ALREADY_IN_USE', array( '#TYPE#' => CTicketDictionary::GetTypeNameByID($arFields['C_TYPE']), '#LANG#' => strlen($zr['LID']) > 0? $zr['LID']: $zr['SITE_ID'], '#RECORD_ID#' => $zr['ID'], ) ) ); } } if (count($arMsg) > 0) { $e = new CAdminException($arMsg); $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->ThrowException($e); return false; } return true; } function Add($arFields) { global $DB; $DB->StartTransaction(); if (!CTicketDictionary::CheckFields($arFields)) { $DB->Rollback(); return false; } CTicketDictionary::__CleanDefault($arFields); $id = intval($DB->Add('b_ticket_dictionary', $arFields)); if ($id > 0) { CTicketDictionary::__SetSites($id, $arFields); $DB->Commit(); return $id; } $DB->Rollback(); $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->ThrowException(GetMessage('SUP_ERROR_ADD_DICTONARY')); return false; } function Update($id, $arFields) { global $DB; $DB->StartTransaction(); $id = intval($id); if (!CTicketDictionary::CheckFields($arFields, $id)) { $DB->Rollback(); return false; } CTicketDictionary::__CleanDefault($arFields); $strUpdate = $DB->PrepareUpdate('b_ticket_dictionary', $arFields); $rs = $DB->Query('UPDATE b_ticket_dictionary SET ' . $strUpdate . ' WHERE ID=' . $id); if ($rs->AffectedRowsCount() > 0); { CTicketDictionary::__SetSites($id, $arFields); $DB->Commit(); return true; } $DB->Rollback(); $GLOBALS['APPLICATION']->ThrowException(GetMessage('SUP_ERROR_UPDATE_DICTONARY')); return false; } function __CleanDefault(&$arFields) { if ( array_key_exists('SET_AS_DEFAULT', $arFields) && $arFields['SET_AS_DEFAULT'] == 'Y' && array_key_exists('arrSITE', $arFields) && array_key_exists('C_TYPE', $arFields) ) { global $DB; $arFilter = array( 'TYPE' => $arFields['C_TYPE'], 'SITE' => $arFields['arrSITE'] ); $v1 = $v2 = $v3 = null; $z = CTicketDictionary::GetList($v1, $v2, $arFilter, $v3); while ($zr = $z->Fetch()) { $DB->Update('b_ticket_dictionary', array('SET_AS_DEFAULT' => "'N'"), 'WHERE ID=' . $zr['ID'], '', false, false, false); } } elseif (array_key_exists('SET_AS_DEFAULT', $arFields)) { $arFields['SET_AS_DEFAULT'] = 'N'; } } function __SetSites($id, $arFields) { global $DB; if (!array_key_exists('arrSITE', $arFields)) { return ; } $id = intval($id); $DB->Query('DELETE FROM b_ticket_dictionary_2_site WHERE DICTIONARY_ID=' . $id); if (is_array($arFields['arrSITE']) && count($arFields['arrSITE']) > 0) { foreach($arFields['arrSITE'] as $sid) { $strSql = "INSERT INTO b_ticket_dictionary_2_site (DICTIONARY_ID, SITE_ID) VALUES ($id, '".$DB->ForSql($sid, 2)."')"; $DB->Query($strSql); } } } } ?>