Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/vote/lib/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/bitrix/modules/vote/lib/user.php |
<?php /** * Bitrix Framework * @package bitrix * @subpackage vote * @copyright 2001-2016 Bitrix */ namespace Bitrix\Vote; use Bitrix\Main\ArgumentException; use Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlExpression; use \Bitrix\Main\Entity; use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc; use Bitrix\Main\Type\DateTime; use \Bitrix\Vote\Base\BaseObject; use Bitrix\Main\ErrorCollection; Loc::loadMessages(__FILE__); /** * Class VoteEventTable * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> STAT_GUEST_ID int, * <li> AUTH_USER_ID int, * <li> COUNTER int, * <li> DATE_FIRST datetime, * <li> DATE_LAST datetime, * <li> LAST_IP string(15), * </ul> * */ class UserTable extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_vote_user'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_ID'), ), 'STAT_GUEST_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_STAT_GUEST_ID'), ), 'AUTH_USER_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_AUTH_USER_ID'), ), 'COUNTER' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_COUNTER'), ), 'DATE_FIRST' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_DATE_FIRST'), ), 'DATE_LAST' => array( 'data_type' => 'datetime', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_DATE_LAST'), ), 'LAST_IP' => array( 'data_type' => 'string', 'size' => 15, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_STAT_SESSION_ID') ), 'USER' => array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Main\UserTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.AUTH_USER_ID' => 'ref.ID', ), 'join_type' => 'LEFT', ), ); } /** * @param array $id User IDs. * @param mixed $increment True - increment, false - decrement, integer - exact value. * @return void */ public static function setCounter(array $id, $increment = true) { if (empty($id)) return; $connection = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnection(); $sql = intval($increment); if ($increment === true) $sql = "COUNTER+1"; else if ($increment === false) $sql = "COUNTER-1"; $connection->queryExecute("UPDATE ".self::getTableName()." SET COUNTER=".$sql." WHERE ID IN (".implode(", ", $id).")"); } } /** * Class VoteEventQuestionTable * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> EVENT_ID int, * <li> QUESTION_ID int, * </ul> **/ class VoteEventQuestionTable extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_vote_event_question'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_ID'), ), 'EVENT_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_EVENT_ID'), ), 'QUESTION_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_QUESTION_ID'), ), 'VOTE' => array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Vote\EventTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.EVENT_ID' => 'ref.ID', ), 'join_type' => 'RIGHT', ), 'ANSWER' => array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Vote\EventAnswerTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.EVENT_QUESTION_ID', ), 'join_type' => 'LEFT', ) ); } }/** * Class VoteEventAnswerTable * Fields: * <ul> * <li> ID int mandatory * <li> EVENT_QUESTION_ID int, * <li> ANSWER_ID int, * <li> MESSAGE text, * </ul> * */ class VoteEventAnswer extends Entity\DataManager { /** * Returns DB table name for entity * * @return string */ public static function getTableName() { return 'b_vote_event_answer'; } /** * Returns entity map definition. * * @return array */ public static function getMap() { return array( 'ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'primary' => true, 'autocomplete' => true, 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_ID'), ), 'EVENT_QUESTION_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_EVENT_ID'), ), 'ANSWER_ID' => array( 'data_type' => 'integer', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_ANSWER_ID'), ), 'MESSAGE' => array( 'data_type' => 'text', 'title' => Loc::getMessage('V_TABLE_FIELD_MESSAGE'), ), 'VOTE_USER' => array( ), 'USER' => array( 'data_type' => '\Bitrix\Main\UserTable', 'reference' => array( '=this.ID' => 'ref.EVENT_QUESTION_ID', ), 'join_type' => 'LEFT', ) ); } } class User extends BaseObject { const SYSTEM_USER_ID = 0; static $instance = null; /** * User constructor. * @param $id */ public function __construct($id) { $this->id = $id; $this->errorCollection = new ErrorCollection; $this->init(); } /** * @return void * @throws ArgumentException */ public function init() { if ($this->id != $this->getUser()->getId()) throw new ArgumentException("User id is wrong."); } /** * @return int */ public function getVotedUserId() { global $APPLICATION; return intval($APPLICATION->get_cookie("VOTE_USER_ID")); } /** * @param null $incrementCount If true - increment, in false - decrement, null - no changes. * @return int */ public function setVotedUserId($incrementCount = null) { global $APPLICATION; $cookieUserId = intval($APPLICATION->get_cookie("VOTE_USER_ID")); $dbRes = false; $fields = array( "STAT_GUEST_ID" => intval($_SESSION["SESS_GUEST_ID"]), "DATE_LAST" => new DateTime(), "LAST_IP" => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ); if ($incrementCount == true) $fields["COUNTER"] = new SqlExpression('?# + 1', 'COUNTER'); else if ($incrementCount == false) $fields["COUNTER"] = new SqlExpression('?# - 1', 'COUNTER'); if ($cookieUserId > 0) { $dbRes = UserTable::update( array( "ID" => $cookieUserId, "AUTH_USER_ID" => intval($this->getUser()->getId()) ), $fields ); } if (!$dbRes || !$dbRes->getAffectedRowsCount()) { try { $fields["COUNTER"] = ($incrementCount == true ? 1 : 0); $dbRes = UserTable::add( array( "AUTH_USER_ID" => intval($this->getUser()->getId()), "DATE_FIRST" => new DateTime(), ) + $fields ); } catch (\Bitrix\Main\DB\SqlException $e) { } } $cookieUserId = ($dbRes ? $dbRes->getId() : 0); if (is_array($cookieUserId)) $cookieUserId = $cookieUserId["ID"]; $APPLICATION->set_cookie("VOTE_USER_ID", $cookieUserId.""); return intval($cookieUserId); } /** * @param integer $voteId Vote ID. * @return bool|int */ public function isVotedFor($voteId) { if ($voteId <= 0) return false; $vote = Vote::loadFromId($voteId); return \CVote::UserAlreadyVote($voteId, self::getVotedUserId(), $vote["UNIQUE_TYPE"], $vote["KEEP_IP_SEC"], $this->getUser()->getId()); } /** * @param integer $voteId Vote ID. * @param integer $userId User ID. * @return bool|int */ public static function isUserVotedFor($voteId, $userId) { if ($voteId <= 0) return false; $vote = Vote::loadFromId($voteId); return \CVote::UserAlreadyVote($voteId, 0, $vote["UNIQUE_TYPE"], $vote["KEEP_IP_SEC"], $userId); } public static function getVotingMask(array $vote, array $user) { global $DB, $USER; $voteId = intval($vote["ID"]); $delay = intval($vote["DELAY"]); $uniqueType = $voteId > 0 ? intval($vote["UNIQUE_TYPE"]) : 0; $voteUserId = intval($user["COOKIE_ID"]); $userId = intval($user["ID"]); $result = array(); $checkedMask = 0; $arSqlSearch = array(); $arSqlSelect = array("VE.ID"); while (($uniqueType & $checkedMask) != $uniqueType) { //One session if (($uniqueType & 1) && ($checkedMask < 1) && ($checkedMask |= 1)) { if (IsModuleInstalled('statistic') && array_key_exists($voteId, $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"])) $result[] = 1; } //Same cookie if (($uniqueType & 2) && ($checkedMask < 2) && ($checkedMask |= 2)) { $arSqlSelect[] = "VE.VOTE_USER_ID"; $arSqlSearch[] = "VE.VOTE_USER_ID='".$voteUserId."'"; } // Same IP if (($uniqueType & 4) && ($checkedMask < 4) && ($checkedMask |= 4)) { $arSqlSelect[] = "TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, VE.DATE_VOTE, NOW()) AS KEEP_IP_SEC"; $arSqlSearch[] = "VE.IP='".$DB->ForSql($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 15)."'".($delay > 0 ? " AND (FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) - ".$delay.") <= VE.DATE_VOTE)" : ""); } // Same User ID if (($uniqueType & 8) && ($checkedMask < 8) && ($checkedMask |= 8)) { if ($userId <= 0 || $userId == $USER->GetID() && isset($_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$voteId])) { $result |= 8; } else { $arSqlSelect[] = "VU.AUTH_USER_ID"; $arSqlSearch[] = "VU.AUTH_USER_ID=".$userId; } } // Check Users from due register date if (($uniqueType & 16) && ($checkedMask < 16) && ($checkedMask |= 16)) { $userRegister = 0; if ($userId > 0) { $us = (isset($user['DATE_REGISTER']) ? $user : \CUser::GetByID($userId)->fetch()); $userRegister = MakeTimeStamp($us['DATE_REGISTER']); } if (!(0 < $userRegister && $userRegister < MakeTimeStamp($vote['DATE_START']))) { $result |= 16; } } } if (!empty($arSqlSearch)) { $dbRes = $DB->Query("SELECT ".implode(",", $arSqlSelect)." FROM b_vote_event VE LEFT JOIN b_vote_user VU ON (VE.VOTE_USER_ID = VU.ID) WHERE VE.VOTE_ID=".$voteId." AND ((".implode(") OR (", $arSqlSearch)."))", false, 'File: '.__FILE__.' Line:'.__LINE__); while ($res = $dbRes->Fetch()) { $_SESSION["VOTE"]["VOTES"][$voteId] = $res["ID"]; if (($uniqueType & 2) && $res["VOTE_USER_ID"] == $voteUserId) { $result |= 2; } if (($uniqueType & 4) && $res["IP"] == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] && ($delay <= 0 || $delay > $res["KEEP_IP_SEC"])) { $result |= 4; } if (($uniqueType & 8) && $res["AUTH_USER_ID"] == $userId) { $result |= 8; } } } return $result; } /** * @return User */ public static function getCurrent() { global $USER; if (is_null(self::$instance)) self::$instance = self::loadFromId($USER->getId()); return self::$instance; } }