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Current File : /home/bitrix/www/local/php_interface/dompdf/src/Adapter/PDFLib.php |
<?php /** * @package dompdf * @link http://dompdf.github.com/ * @author Benj Carson <benjcarson@digitaljunkies.ca> * @author Helmut Tischer <htischer@weihenstephan.org> * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/lesser.html GNU Lesser General Public License */ namespace Dompdf\Adapter; use Dompdf\Canvas; use Dompdf\Dompdf; use Dompdf\Helpers; use Dompdf\Exception; use Dompdf\FontMetrics; use Dompdf\Image\Cache; use Dompdf\PhpEvaluator; /** * PDF rendering interface * * Dompdf\Adapter\PDFLib provides a simple, stateless interface to the one * provided by PDFLib. * * Unless otherwise mentioned, all dimensions are in points (1/72 in). * The coordinate origin is in the top left corner and y values * increase downwards. * * See {@link http://www.pdflib.com/} for more complete documentation * on the underlying PDFlib functions. * * @package dompdf */ class PDFLib implements Canvas { /** * Dimensions of paper sizes in points * * @var array; */ static public $PAPER_SIZES = array(); // Set to Dompdf\Adapter\CPDF::$PAPER_SIZES below. /** * Whether to create PDFs in memory or on disk * * @var bool */ static $IN_MEMORY = true; /** * @var Dompdf */ private $_dompdf; /** * Instance of PDFLib class * * @var \PDFlib */ private $_pdf; /** * Name of temporary file used for PDFs created on disk * * @var string */ private $_file; /** * PDF width, in points * * @var float */ private $_width; /** * PDF height, in points * * @var float */ private $_height; /** * Last fill color used * * @var array */ private $_last_fill_color; /** * Last stroke color used * * @var array */ private $_last_stroke_color; /** * Cache of image handles * * @var array */ private $_imgs; /** * Cache of font handles * * @var array */ private $_fonts; /** * List of objects (templates) to add to multiple pages * * @var array */ private $_objs; /** * Current page number * * @var int */ private $_page_number; /** * Total number of pages * * @var int */ private $_page_count; /** * Text to display on every page * * @var array */ private $_page_text; /** * Array of pages for accesing after rendering is initially complete * * @var array */ private $_pages; /** * Class constructor * * @param mixed $paper The size of paper to use either a string (see {@link Dompdf\Adapter\CPDF::$PAPER_SIZES}) or * an array(xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax) * @param string $orientation The orientation of the document (either 'landscape' or 'portrait') * @param Dompdf $dompdf */ function __construct($paper = "letter", $orientation = "portrait", Dompdf $dompdf) { if (is_array($paper)) { $size = $paper; } else if (isset(self::$PAPER_SIZES[mb_strtolower($paper)])) { $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES[mb_strtolower($paper)]; } else { $size = self::$PAPER_SIZES["letter"]; } if (mb_strtolower($orientation) === "landscape") { list($size[2], $size[3]) = array($size[3], $size[2]); } $this->_width = $size[2] - $size[0]; $this->_height = $size[3] - $size[1]; $this->_dompdf = $dompdf; $this->_pdf = new \PDFLib(); $license = $dompdf->get_option('pdflibLicense'); if (strlen($license) > 0) $this->_pdf->set_parameter("license", $license); $this->_pdf->set_parameter("textformat", "utf8"); $this->_pdf->set_parameter("fontwarning", "false"); // TODO: fetch PDFLib version information for the producer field $this->_pdf->set_info("Producer", sprintf("%s + PDFLib", $dompdf->version)); // Silence pedantic warnings about missing TZ settings $tz = @date_default_timezone_get(); date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $this->_pdf->set_info("Date", date("Y-m-d")); date_default_timezone_set($tz); if (self::$IN_MEMORY) $this->_pdf->begin_document("", ""); else { $tmp_dir = $this->_dompdf->get_options("temp_dir"); $tmp_name = tempnam($tmp_dir, "libdompdf_pdf_"); @unlink($tmp_name); $this->_file = "$tmp_name.pdf"; $this->_pdf->begin_document($this->_file, ""); } $this->_pdf->begin_page_ext($this->_width, $this->_height, ""); $this->_page_number = $this->_page_count = 1; $this->_page_text = array(); $this->_imgs = array(); $this->_fonts = array(); $this->_objs = array(); // Set up font paths $families = $dompdf->getFontMetrics->getFontFamilies(); foreach ($families as $files) { foreach ($files as $file) { $face = basename($file); $afm = null; // Prefer ttfs to afms if (file_exists("$file.ttf")) { $outline = "$file.ttf"; } else if (file_exists("$file.TTF")) { $outline = "$file.TTF"; } else if (file_exists("$file.pfb")) { $outline = "$file.pfb"; if (file_exists("$file.afm")) { $afm = "$file.afm"; } } else if (file_exists("$file.PFB")) { $outline = "$file.PFB"; if (file_exists("$file.AFM")) { $afm = "$file.AFM"; } } else { continue; } $this->_pdf->set_parameter("FontOutline", "\{$face\}=\{$outline\}"); if (!is_null($afm)) { $this->_pdf->set_parameter("FontAFM", "\{$face\}=\{$afm\}"); } } } } function get_dompdf() { return $this->_dompdf; } /** * Close the pdf */ protected function _close() { $this->_place_objects(); // Close all pages $this->_pdf->suspend_page(""); for ($p = 1; $p <= $this->_page_count; $p++) { $this->_pdf->resume_page("pagenumber=$p"); $this->_pdf->end_page_ext(""); } $this->_pdf->end_document(""); } /** * Returns the PDFLib instance * * @return PDFLib */ function get_pdflib() { return $this->_pdf; } /** * Add meta information to the PDF * * @param string $label label of the value (Creator, Producter, etc.) * @param string $value the text to set */ function add_info($label, $value) { $this->_pdf->set_info($label, $value); } /** * Opens a new 'object' (template in PDFLib-speak) * * While an object is open, all drawing actions are recorded to the * object instead of being drawn on the current page. Objects can * be added later to a specific page or to several pages. * * The return value is an integer ID for the new object. * * @see PDFLib_Adapter::close_object() * @see PDFLib_Adapter::add_object() * * @return int */ function open_object() { $this->_pdf->suspend_page(""); $ret = $this->_pdf->begin_template($this->_width, $this->_height); $this->_pdf->save(); $this->_objs[$ret] = array("start_page" => $this->_page_number); return $ret; } /** * Reopen an existing object (NOT IMPLEMENTED) * PDFLib does not seem to support reopening templates. * * @param int $object the ID of a previously opened object * * @throws Exception * @return void */ function reopen_object($object) { throw new Exception("PDFLib does not support reopening objects."); } /** * Close the current template * * @see PDFLib_Adapter::open_object() */ function close_object() { $this->_pdf->restore(); $this->_pdf->end_template(); $this->_pdf->resume_page("pagenumber=" . $this->_page_number); } /** * Adds the specified object to the document * * $where can be one of: * - 'add' add to current page only * - 'all' add to every page from the current one onwards * - 'odd' add to all odd numbered pages from now on * - 'even' add to all even numbered pages from now on * - 'next' add the object to the next page only * - 'nextodd' add to all odd numbered pages from the next one * - 'nexteven' add to all even numbered pages from the next one * * @param int $object the object handle returned by open_object() * @param string $where */ function add_object($object, $where = 'all') { if (mb_strpos($where, "next") !== false) { $this->_objs[$object]["start_page"]++; $where = str_replace("next", "", $where); if ($where == "") $where = "add"; } $this->_objs[$object]["where"] = $where; } /** * Stops the specified template from appearing in the document. * * The object will stop being displayed on the page following the * current one. * * @param int $object */ function stop_object($object) { if (!isset($this->_objs[$object])) return; $start = $this->_objs[$object]["start_page"]; $where = $this->_objs[$object]["where"]; // Place the object on this page if required if ($this->_page_number >= $start && (($this->_page_number % 2 == 0 && $where === "even") || ($this->_page_number % 2 == 1 && $where === "odd") || ($where === "all")) ) { $this->_pdf->fit_image($object, 0, 0, ""); } $this->_objs[$object] = null; unset($this->_objs[$object]); } /** * Add all active objects to the current page */ protected function _place_objects() { foreach ($this->_objs as $obj => $props) { $start = $props["start_page"]; $where = $props["where"]; // Place the object on this page if required if ($this->_page_number >= $start && (($this->_page_number % 2 == 0 && $where === "even") || ($this->_page_number % 2 == 1 && $where === "odd") || ($where === "all")) ) { $this->_pdf->fit_image($obj, 0, 0, ""); } } } function get_width() { return $this->_width; } function get_height() { return $this->_height; } function get_page_number() { return $this->_page_number; } function get_page_count() { return $this->_page_count; } function set_page_number($num) { $this->_page_number = (int)$num; } function set_page_count($count) { $this->_page_count = (int)$count; } /** * Sets the line style * * @param float $width * @param $cap * @param string $join * @param array $dash * * @return void */ protected function _set_line_style($width, $cap, $join, $dash) { if (count($dash) == 1) $dash[] = $dash[0]; if (count($dash) > 1) $this->_pdf->setdashpattern("dasharray={" . implode(" ", $dash) . "}"); else $this->_pdf->setdash(0, 0); switch ($join) { case "miter": $this->_pdf->setlinejoin(0); break; case "round": $this->_pdf->setlinejoin(1); break; case "bevel": $this->_pdf->setlinejoin(2); break; default: break; } switch ($cap) { case "butt": $this->_pdf->setlinecap(0); break; case "round": $this->_pdf->setlinecap(1); break; case "square": $this->_pdf->setlinecap(2); break; default: break; } $this->_pdf->setlinewidth($width); } /** * Sets the line color * * @param array $color array(r,g,b) */ protected function _set_stroke_color($color) { if ($this->_last_stroke_color == $color) return; $this->_last_stroke_color = $color; if (isset($color[3])) { $type = "cmyk"; list($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = array($color[0], $color[1], $color[2], $color[3]); } elseif (isset($color[2])) { $type = "rgb"; list($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = array($color[0], $color[1], $color[2], null); } else { $type = "gray"; list($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = array($color[0], $color[1], null, null); } $this->_pdf->setcolor("stroke", $type, $c1, $c2, $c3, $c4); } /** * Sets the fill color * * @param array $color array(r,g,b) */ protected function _set_fill_color($color) { if ($this->_last_fill_color == $color) return; $this->_last_fill_color = $color; if (isset($color[3])) { $type = "cmyk"; list($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = array($color[0], $color[1], $color[2], $color[3]); } elseif (isset($color[2])) { $type = "rgb"; list($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = array($color[0], $color[1], $color[2], null); } else { $type = "gray"; list($c1, $c2, $c3, $c4) = array($color[0], $color[1], null, null); } $this->_pdf->setcolor("fill", $type, $c1, $c2, $c3, $c4); } /** * Sets the opacity * * @param $opacity * @param $mode */ function set_opacity($opacity, $mode = "Normal") { if ($mode === "Normal") { $gstate = $this->_pdf->create_gstate("opacityfill=$opacity opacitystroke=$opacity"); $this->_pdf->set_gstate($gstate); } } function set_default_view($view, $options = array()) { // TODO // http://www.pdflib.com/fileadmin/pdflib/pdf/manuals/PDFlib-8.0.2-API-reference.pdf /** * fitheight Fit the page height to the window, with the x coordinate left at the left edge of the window. * fitrect Fit the rectangle specified by left, bottom, right, and top to the window. * fitvisible Fit the visible contents of the page (the ArtBox) to the window. * fitvisibleheight Fit the visible contents of the page to the window with the x coordinate left at the left edge of the window. * fitvisiblewidth Fit the visible contents of the page to the window with the y coordinate top at the top edge of the window. * fitwidth Fit the page width to the window, with the y coordinate top at the top edge of the window. * fitwindow Fit the complete page to the window. * fixed */ //$this->_pdf->set_parameter("openaction", $view); } /** * Loads a specific font and stores the corresponding descriptor. * * @param string $font * @param string $encoding * @param string $options * * @return int the font descriptor for the font */ protected function _load_font($font, $encoding = null, $options = "") { // Check if the font is a native PDF font // Embed non-native fonts $test = strtolower(basename($font)); if (in_array($test, DOMPDF::$native_fonts)) { $font = basename($font); } else { // Embed non-native fonts $options .= " embedding=true"; } if (is_null($encoding)) { // Unicode encoding is only available for the commerical // version of PDFlib and not PDFlib-Lite if (strlen($dompdf->get_option('pdflibLicense')) > 0) $encoding = "unicode"; else $encoding = "auto"; } $key = "$font:$encoding:$options"; if (isset($this->_fonts[$key])) return $this->_fonts[$key]; else { $this->_fonts[$key] = $this->_pdf->load_font($font, $encoding, $options); return $this->_fonts[$key]; } } /** * Remaps y coords from 4th to 1st quadrant * * @param float $y * @return float */ protected function y($y) { return $this->_height - $y; } //........................................................................ /** * @param float $x1 * @param float $y1 * @param float $x2 * @param float $y2 * @param array $color * @param float $width * @param array $style */ function line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color, $width, $style = null) { $this->_set_line_style($width, "butt", "", $style); $this->_set_stroke_color($color); $y1 = $this->y($y1); $y2 = $this->y($y2); $this->_pdf->moveto($x1, $y1); $this->_pdf->lineto($x2, $y2); $this->_pdf->stroke(); } function arc($x1, $y1, $r1, $r2, $astart, $aend, $color, $width, $style = array()) { $this->_set_line_style($width, "butt", "", $style); $this->_set_stroke_color($color); $y1 = $this->y($y1); $this->_pdf->arc($x1, $y1, $r1, $astart, $aend); $this->_pdf->stroke(); } //........................................................................ function rectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h, $color, $width, $style = null) { $this->_set_stroke_color($color); $this->_set_line_style($width, "butt", "", $style); $y1 = $this->y($y1) - $h; $this->_pdf->rect($x1, $y1, $w, $h); $this->_pdf->stroke(); } //........................................................................ function filled_rectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h, $color) { $this->_set_fill_color($color); $y1 = $this->y($y1) - $h; $this->_pdf->rect(floatval($x1), floatval($y1), floatval($w), floatval($h)); $this->_pdf->fill(); } function clipping_rectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h) { $this->_pdf->save(); $y1 = $this->y($y1) - $h; $this->_pdf->rect(floatval($x1), floatval($y1), floatval($w), floatval($h)); $this->_pdf->clip(); } function clipping_roundrectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h, $rTL, $rTR, $rBR, $rBL) { // @todo $this->clipping_rectangle($x1, $y1, $w, $h); } function clipping_end() { $this->_pdf->restore(); } function save() { $this->_pdf->save(); } function restore() { $this->_pdf->restore(); } function rotate($angle, $x, $y) { $pdf = $this->_pdf; $pdf->translate($x, $this->_height - $y); $pdf->rotate(-$angle); $pdf->translate(-$x, -$this->_height + $y); } function skew($angle_x, $angle_y, $x, $y) { $pdf = $this->_pdf; $pdf->translate($x, $this->_height - $y); $pdf->skew($angle_y, $angle_x); // Needs to be inverted $pdf->translate(-$x, -$this->_height + $y); } function scale($s_x, $s_y, $x, $y) { $pdf = $this->_pdf; $pdf->translate($x, $this->_height - $y); $pdf->scale($s_x, $s_y); $pdf->translate(-$x, -$this->_height + $y); } function translate($t_x, $t_y) { $this->_pdf->translate($t_x, -$t_y); } function transform($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f) { $this->_pdf->concat($a, $b, $c, $d, $e, $f); } //........................................................................ function polygon($points, $color, $width = null, $style = null, $fill = false) { $this->_set_fill_color($color); $this->_set_stroke_color($color); if (!$fill && isset($width)) $this->_set_line_style($width, "square", "miter", $style); $y = $this->y(array_pop($points)); $x = array_pop($points); $this->_pdf->moveto($x, $y); while (count($points) > 1) { $y = $this->y(array_pop($points)); $x = array_pop($points); $this->_pdf->lineto($x, $y); } if ($fill) $this->_pdf->fill(); else $this->_pdf->closepath_stroke(); } //........................................................................ function circle($x, $y, $r, $color, $width = null, $style = null, $fill = false) { $this->_set_fill_color($color); $this->_set_stroke_color($color); if (!$fill && isset($width)) $this->_set_line_style($width, "round", "round", $style); $y = $this->y($y); $this->_pdf->circle($x, $y, $r); if ($fill) $this->_pdf->fill(); else $this->_pdf->stroke(); } //........................................................................ function image($img_url, $x, $y, $w, $h, $resolution = "normal") { $w = (int)$w; $h = (int)$h; $img_type = Cache::detect_type($img_url, $this->get_dompdf()->getHttpContext()); if (!isset($this->_imgs[$img_url])) { $this->_imgs[$img_url] = $this->_pdf->load_image($img_type, $img_url, ""); } $img = $this->_imgs[$img_url]; $y = $this->y($y) - $h; $this->_pdf->fit_image($img, $x, $y, 'boxsize={' . "$w $h" . '} fitmethod=entire'); } //........................................................................ function text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color = array(0, 0, 0), $word_spacing = 0, $char_spacing = 0, $angle = 0) { $fh = $this->_load_font($font); $this->_pdf->setfont($fh, $size); $this->_set_fill_color($color); $y = $this->y($y) - $this->get_font_height($font, $size); $word_spacing = (float)$word_spacing; $char_spacing = (float)$char_spacing; $angle = -(float)$angle; $this->_pdf->fit_textline($text, $x, $y, "rotate=$angle wordspacing=$word_spacing charspacing=$char_spacing "); } //........................................................................ function javascript($code) { if (strlen($dompdf->get_option('pdflibLicense')) > 0) { $this->_pdf->create_action("JavaScript", $code); } } //........................................................................ /** * Add a named destination (similar to <a name="foo">...</a> in html) * * @param string $anchorname The name of the named destination */ function add_named_dest($anchorname) { $this->_pdf->add_nameddest($anchorname, ""); } //........................................................................ /** * Add a link to the pdf * * @param string $url The url to link to * @param float $x The x position of the link * @param float $y The y position of the link * @param float $width The width of the link * @param float $height The height of the link */ function add_link($url, $x, $y, $width, $height) { $y = $this->y($y) - $height; if (strpos($url, '#') === 0) { // Local link $name = substr($url, 1); if ($name) $this->_pdf->create_annotation($x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, 'Link', "contents={$url} destname=" . substr($url, 1) . " linewidth=0"); } else { list($proto, $host, $path, $file) = Helpers::explode_url($url); if ($proto == "" || $proto === "file://") return; // Local links are not allowed $url = Helpers::build_url($proto, $host, $path, $file); $url = '{' . rawurldecode($url) . '}'; $action = $this->_pdf->create_action("URI", "url=" . $url); $this->_pdf->create_annotation($x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, 'Link', "contents={$url} action={activate=$action} linewidth=0"); } } //........................................................................ function get_text_width($text, $font, $size, $word_spacing = 0, $letter_spacing = 0) { $fh = $this->_load_font($font); // Determine the additional width due to extra spacing $num_spaces = mb_substr_count($text, " "); $delta = $word_spacing * $num_spaces; if ($letter_spacing) { $num_chars = mb_strlen($text); $delta += ($num_chars - $num_spaces) * $letter_spacing; } return $this->_pdf->stringwidth($text, $fh, $size) + $delta; } //........................................................................ function get_font_height($font, $size) { $fh = $this->_load_font($font); $this->_pdf->setfont($fh, $size); $asc = $this->_pdf->get_value("ascender", $fh); $desc = $this->_pdf->get_value("descender", $fh); // $desc is usually < 0, $ratio = $this->_dompdf->get_option("font_height_ratio"); return $size * ($asc - $desc) * $ratio; } function get_font_baseline($font, $size) { $ratio = $this->_dompdf->get_option("font_height_ratio"); return $this->get_font_height($font, $size) / $ratio * 1.1; } //........................................................................ /** * Writes text at the specified x and y coordinates on every page * * The strings '{PAGE_NUM}' and '{PAGE_COUNT}' are automatically replaced * with their current values. * * See {@link Style::munge_color()} for the format of the color array. * * @param float $x * @param float $y * @param string $text the text to write * @param string $font the font file to use * @param float $size the font size, in points * @param array $color * @param float $word_space word spacing adjustment * @param float $char_space char spacing adjustment * @param float $angle angle to write the text at, measured CW starting from the x-axis */ function page_text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color = array(0, 0, 0), $word_space = 0.0, $char_space = 0.0, $angle = 0.0) { $_t = "text"; $this->_page_text[] = compact("_t", "x", "y", "text", "font", "size", "color", "word_space", "char_space", "angle"); } //........................................................................ /** * Processes a script on every page * * The variables $pdf, $PAGE_NUM, and $PAGE_COUNT are available. * * This function can be used to add page numbers to all pages * after the first one, for example. * * @param string $code the script code * @param string $type the language type for script */ function page_script($code, $type = "text/php") { $_t = "script"; $this->_page_text[] = compact("_t", "code", "type"); } //........................................................................ function new_page() { // Add objects to the current page $this->_place_objects(); $this->_pdf->suspend_page(""); $this->_pdf->begin_page_ext($this->_width, $this->_height, ""); $this->_page_number = ++$this->_page_count; } //........................................................................ /** * Add text to each page after rendering is complete */ protected function _add_page_text() { if (!count($this->_page_text)) return; $this->_pdf->suspend_page(""); for ($p = 1; $p <= $this->_page_count; $p++) { $this->_pdf->resume_page("pagenumber=$p"); foreach ($this->_page_text as $pt) { extract($pt); switch ($_t) { case "text": $text = str_replace(array("{PAGE_NUM}", "{PAGE_COUNT}"), array($p, $this->_page_count), $text); $this->text($x, $y, $text, $font, $size, $color, $word_space, $char_space, $angle); break; case "script": if (!$eval) { $eval = new PHPEvaluator($this); } $eval->evaluate($code, array('PAGE_NUM' => $p, 'PAGE_COUNT' => $this->_page_count)); break; } } $this->_pdf->suspend_page(""); } $this->_pdf->resume_page("pagenumber=" . $this->_page_number); } //........................................................................ function stream($filename, $options = null) { // Add page text $this->_add_page_text(); if (isset($options["compress"]) && $options["compress"] != 1) $this->_pdf->set_value("compress", 0); else $this->_pdf->set_value("compress", 6); $this->_close(); $data = ""; if (self::$IN_MEMORY) { $data = $this->_pdf->get_buffer(); //$size = strlen($data); } else { //$size = filesize($this->_file); } header("Cache-Control: private"); header("Content-type: application/pdf"); $filename = str_replace(array("\n", "'"), "", basename($filename)) . '.pdf'; $attach = (isset($options["Attachment"]) && $options["Attachment"]) ? "attachment" : "inline"; // detect the character encoding of the incoming file $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($filename); $fallbackfilename = mb_convert_encoding($filename, "ISO-8859-1", $encoding); $encodedfallbackfilename = rawurlencode($fallbackfilename); $encodedfilename = rawurlencode($filename); header("Content-Disposition: $attach; filename=". $encodedfallbackfilename ."; filename*=UTF-8''$encodedfilename"); //header("Content-length: " . $size); if (self::$IN_MEMORY) echo $data; else { // Chunked readfile() $chunk = (1 << 21); // 2 MB $fh = fopen($this->_file, "rb"); if (!$fh) throw new Exception("Unable to load temporary PDF file: " . $this->_file); while (!feof($fh)) echo fread($fh, $chunk); fclose($fh); //debugpng if ($this->_dompdf->get_option("debugPng")) print '[pdflib stream unlink ' . $this->_file . ']'; if (!$this->_dompdf->get_option("debugKeepTemp")) unlink($this->_file); $this->_file = null; unset($this->_file); } flush(); } //........................................................................ function output($options = null) { // Add page text $this->_add_page_text(); if (isset($options["compress"]) && $options["compress"] != 1) $this->_pdf->set_value("compress", 0); else $this->_pdf->set_value("compress", 6); $this->_close(); if (self::$IN_MEMORY) $data = $this->_pdf->get_buffer(); else { $data = file_get_contents($this->_file); //debugpng if ($this->_dompdf->get_option("debugPng")) print '[pdflib output unlink ' . $this->_file . ']'; if (!$this->_dompdf->get_option("debugKeepTemp")) unlink($this->_file); $this->_file = null; unset($this->_file); } return $data; } } // Workaround for idiotic limitation on statics... PDFLib::$PAPER_SIZES = CPDF::$PAPER_SIZES;