Direktori : /home/bitrix/www/local/templates/UB/components/bitrix/main.file.input/drag_n_drop/ |
Current File : /home/bitrix/www/local/templates/UB/components/bitrix/main.file.input/drag_n_drop/script.js |
(function() { if (window.BlogBFileDialog) return; window.BlogBFileDialogUniqueID = []; window.BlogBFileDialog = function(arParams) { this.dialogName = 'AttachmentsDialog'; this.agent = false; this.uploadFileUrl = arParams.upload_path; // from file.input php this.id = (!!arParams["id"] ? arParams["id"] : this.getID()); this.controlID = arParams["id"]; this.enabled = true; this.controller = (!! arParams.controller ) ? arParams.controller : null; this.fileInput = arParams.fileInput; arParams.hAttachEvents = BX.delegate(this.InitAgent, this); this.msg = arParams.msg; this.dropAutoUpload = arParams.dropAutoUpload; this.CID = arParams.CID; this.multiple = !!arParams.multiple; arParams.caller = this; arParams.classes = { 'uploaderParent' : 'file-uploader', 'uploader' : 'file-fileUploader', 'tpl_simple' : 'file-simple', 'tpl_extended' : 'file-extended', 'selector' : 'file-selector', 'selector_active' : 'file-selector-active' }; arParams.doc_prefix = 'wd-doc'; arParams.placeholder = BX.findChild(this.controller, {'className': 'file-placeholder-tbody'}, true); this.doc_prefix = arParams.doc_prefix; if (!!BX.FileUploadAgent) { this.agent = new BX.FileUploadAgent(arParams); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'ShowUploadedFile', BX.delegate(this.ShowUploadedFile, this)); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'StopUpload', BX.delegate(this.StopUpload, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(BX(this.controller.parentNode), "BFileDLoadFormControllerInit", [this]); } else { BX.debug('/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.file.input/templates/drag_n_drop/script.js: BX.FileUploadAgent is not defined.' + ' You need to load /bitrix/js/main/file_upload_agent.js'); } } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.getID = function() { return '' + new Date().getTime(); } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.InitAgent = function(agent) { if (this.controller) { agent.placeholder = BX.findChild(this.controller, {'className': 'file-placeholder-tbody'}, true); } } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.ShowUploadedFile = function(agent) // event { this.agent = agent; var uploadResult = agent.uploadResult; if (uploadResult && (uploadResult.element_id > 0)) { if (!!agent.inputName && agent.inputName.length > 0) { var hidden = BX.create('INPUT', { props: { 'id': 'file-doc'+uploadResult.element_id, 'type': 'hidden', 'name': agent.inputName + (this.multiple ? '[]' : ''), 'value': uploadResult.element_id } }); agent.controller.appendChild(hidden); } this.CreateFileRow(uploadResult); agent._clearPlace(); if (this.controller && this.controller.parentNode) BX.onCustomEvent(this.controller.parentNode, 'OnFileUploadSuccess', [uploadResult, this]); } else { agent.ShowUploadError(this.msg.upload_error); if (this.controller && this.controller.parentNode) BX.onCustomEvent(this.controller.parentNode, 'OnFileUploadFail'); } } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.CreateFileRow = function(result) { var res = result; var mode = 'file'; if (!! res.element_content_type && (res.element_content_type.indexOf('image/') == 0) && !!res.element_image && (res.element_image.length > 0) && !!res.element_thumbnail && (res.element_thumbnail.length > 0) ) { mode = 'image'; } var tpl = BX("file-" + mode + "-template"); BX.template(tpl, BX.delegate(function(node) { this.tplFileRow(node, res); }, this)); var newNode = BX.clone(tpl); if (mode == 'image') { var span = null; for (i=0;i<newNode.children.length;i++) { span = newNode.children[i]; if (span.nodeType == 1) break; } span.setAttribute('id', this.doc_prefix + result.element_id); var closeControl = BX.findChild(span, {'className': 'feed-add-post-del-but'}, true); BX.bind(closeControl, 'click', BX.delegate( function() { var control = closeControl; var parent = control.parentNode; this.agent.StopUpload(parent); BX.cleanNode(parent, true); }, this)); this.agent.AddNodeToPlaceholder(span); } else { newNode.setAttribute('id', this.doc_prefix + result.element_id); this.agent.AddRowToPlaceholder(newNode); } return newNode; } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.GetUploadDialog = function(agent) { return new BlogBFileDialogUploader(this, agent); } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.tplFileRow = function(nodes, res) { for (id in nodes) { if (! nodes.hasOwnProperty(id)) continue; var node = nodes[id]; if ((id == 'image') && !!res.element_image && (res.element_image.length > 0) && !!res.element_thumbnail && (res.element_thumbnail.length > 0)) { node.setAttribute('src', res.element_image); node.setAttribute('rel', res.element_thumbnail); } else { if (!! res['element_'+id]) node.innerHTML = res['element_'+id]; } } } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype._addUrlParam = function(url, param) { if (!url) return null; if (url.indexOf(param) == -1) url += ((url.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&') + param ; return url; } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.LoadDialogs = function(dialogs) { if (!!this.agent) this.agent.LoadDialogs(dialogs); else { var dlgs = dialogs; setTimeout(BX.delegate(function() {this.LoadDialogs(dlgs);}, this), 100); } } window.BlogBFileDialog.prototype.StopUpload = function(agent, parent) { this.agent = agent; id = false; mID = parent.id.match(new RegExp(this.doc_prefix + '(\\d+)')); if (!!mID) { id = mID[1]; } if (this.controller && this.controller.parentNode) BX.onCustomEvent(this.controller.parentNode, 'OnFileUploadRemove', [id, this]); var data = { fileID : id, sessid : BX.bitrix_sessid(), cid : this.CID, controlID : this.controlID, mfi_mode : "delete" }; BX.ajax.post(this.uploadFileUrl, data); } window.BlogBFileDialogDispatcher = function(controller) { this.id = this.getID(); this.controller = controller; BX.loadScript('/bitrix/js/main/core/core_dd.js', BX.delegate(function() { if (BX.type.isElementNode(this.controller) && this.controller.parentNode && this.controller.parentNode.parentNode) { var target = this.controller.parentNode.parentNode; this.dropbox = new BX.DD.dropFiles(target); if (this.dropbox && this.dropbox.supported() && BX.ajax.FormData.isSupported()) { this.hExpandUploader = BX.proxy(this.ExpandUploader, this); BX.addCustomEvent(this.dropbox, 'dragEnter', this.hExpandUploader); BX.addCustomEvent(target, "UnbindDndDispatcher", BX.delegate(this.Unbind, this)); } } }, this)); } window.BlogBFileDialogDispatcher.prototype.getID = function() { return '' + new Date().getTime(); } window.BlogBFileDialogDispatcher.prototype.ExpandUploader = function() { BX.onCustomEvent(BX(this.controller.parentNode), "BFileDLoadFormController", ['show']); // this.Unbind(); } window.BlogBFileDialogDispatcher.prototype.Unbind = function() { BX.removeCustomEvent(this.dropbox, 'dragEnter', this.hExpandUploader); } // upoader section window.BlogBFileDialogUploader = function(arParams, agent) { this.WDUploaded = false; this.WDUploadInProgress = false; this.documentExists = false; this.fileDropped = false; this.caller = arParams; this.agent = agent; this.parentID = this.agent.id; this.id = this.caller.getID(); this.msg = arParams.msg; this.dropAutoUpload = arParams.dropAutoUpload; this.uploadFileUrl = arParams.uploadFileUrl; // from file.input php this.CID = arParams.CID; this.controlID = arParams.controlID; this.CreateElements(); this.fileInput = (!!agent.fileInput ? agent.fileInput : ((BX.type.isDomNode(agent.fileInputID)) ? agent.fileInputID : BX(arParams.fileInput))); if (BX.type.isDomNode(this.fileInput)) { this.fileInput.name = 'mfi_files[]'; } this.fileList = this.__form; BX.loadScript('/bitrix/js/main/core/core_dd.js', BX.delegate( function() { var dropbox = new BX.DD.dropFiles(); if (dropbox && dropbox.supported() && BX.ajax.FormData.isSupported()) { this.dropbox = dropbox; } this.agent.BindUploadEvents(this); }, this)); } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.CreateElements = function() { var uniqueID; do { uniqueID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999); } while(BX("iframe-" + uniqueID)); var iframeName = "iframe-" + this.id; var iframe = BX.create("IFRAME", { props: {name: iframeName, id: iframeName}, style: {display: "none"} }); document.body.appendChild(iframe); this.iframeUpload = iframe; var form = BX.create("FORM", { props: { id: "form-" + uniqueID, method: "POST", action: this.uploadFileUrl, enctype: "multipart/form-data", encoding: "multipart/form-data", target: iframeName }, style: {display: "none"}, children: [ BX.create("INPUT", { props: { type: "hidden", name: "sessid", value: BX.bitrix_sessid() } }), BX.create("INPUT", { props: { type: "hidden", name: "uniqueID", value: uniqueID } }), BX.create("INPUT", { props: { type: "hidden", name: "cid", value: this.CID } }), BX.create("INPUT", { props: { type: "hidden", name: "controlID", value: (!!this.controlID ? this.controlID : '') } }), BX.create("INPUT", { props: { type: "hidden", name: "mfi_mode", value: "upload" } }) ] }); document.body.appendChild(form); this.__form = form; window['FILE_UPLOADER_CALLBACK_' + uniqueID] = BX.proxy(this.Callback, this); } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.GetUploadFileName = function() { var fileName = ''; if (this.fileInput && (this.fileInput.value.length > 0)) { var fileName = this.fileInput.value; if (fileName.indexOf('\\') > -1) // deal with Chrome fakepath fileName = fileName.substr(fileName.lastIndexOf('\\')+1); } else { var fileNode = this.fileList; if (fileNode.file) fileName = fileNode.file.fileName || fileNode.file.name; } return fileName; } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.Callback = function(files, uniqueID) { if (files.length > 0) { for(var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { var result = {}; result.success = true; result.storage = 'bfile'; result.element_id = files[i].fileID; result.element_name = files[i].fileName; result.element_size = files[i].fileSize; result.element_url = files[i].fileURL; result.element_content_type = (files[i].content_type ? files[i].content_type : files[i].fileContentType); result.element_image = ((!!files[i].img_thumb_src) ? files[i].img_thumb_src : files[i].fileSrc); if (!!result.element_image) result.element_image = result.element_image.replace(/\/([^\/]+)$/, function(str, name) { return "/" + BX.util.urlencode(name); } ); result.element_thumbnail = ((!!files[i].img_source_src) ? files[i].img_source_src: files[i].fileSrc); if (!!result.element_thumbnail) result.element_thumbnail = result.element_thumbnail.replace(/\/([^\/]+)$/, function(str, name) { return "/" + BX.util.urlencode(name); } ); BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'uploadFinish', [result]); } } else { var result = {}; result.success = false; result.messages = this.msg.upload_error; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'uploadFinish', [result]); } window['FILE_UPLOADER_CALLBACK_' + uniqueID] = BX.DoNothing; BX.cleanNode(BX("iframe-" + uniqueID), true); BX.cleanNode(BX("form-" + uniqueID), true); this.agent.uploadDialog = null; } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.UploadResponse = function(evt, responseJSONStr) { this.WDUploadInProgress = false; BX.unbind(window, 'beforeunload', BX.proxy(this.UploadLeave, this)); if (! responseJSONStr || responseJSONStr.length <= 0) { this.onError(); } } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.UploadResponseIframe = function(evt, responseJSONStr) { this.WDUploadInProgress = false; BX.unbind(window, 'beforeunload', BX.proxy(this.UploadLeave, this)); } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.UploadLeave = function(e) { var e = e || window.event; var msg = ''; if (this.WDUploadInProgress) msg = this.msg.UploadInterrupt; else if (((!this.WDUploaded) && this.fileInput && (this.fileInput.value.length > 0))) msg = this.msg.UploadNotDone; if (msg != '') { if (e) e.returnValue = msg; return msg; // safari & chrome } return; } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.UpdateListFiles = function(files) { if (this && files) { if (files.length < 1) return; var fileNode = this.fileList; fileNode.file = files[0]; this.WDUploadInProgress = true; this.fileDropped = true; this.CallSubmit(); } } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.GetInputData = function(parentNode) { var elements = []; var data = {}; elements = elements.concat( BX.findChildren(parentNode, {'tag': 'input'}, true), BX.findChildren(parentNode, {'tag': 'textarea'}, true), BX.findChildren(parentNode, {'tag': 'select'}, true)); for(var i=0; i<elements.length; i++) { var el = elements[i]; if (!el || el.disabled || el.name.length < 1) continue; switch(el.type.toLowerCase()) { case 'text': case 'textarea': case 'password': case 'hidden': case 'select-one': data[el.name] = el.value; break; case 'radio': if(el.checked) data[el.name] = el.value; break; case 'checkbox': data[el.name] = (el.checked ? 'Y':'N'); break; case 'select-multiple': var l = el.options.length; if (l > 0) data[el.name] = new Array(); for (j=0; j<l; j++) if (el.options[j].selected) data[el.name].push(el.options[j].value); break; default: break; } } return data; } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.SetFileInput = function(fileInput) { if (!! this.__form.mfi_save) return; if (this.fileInput && this.fileInput != fileInput) BX.remove(this.fileInput); this.__form.appendChild(fileInput); this.fileInput = fileInput; } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.CallSubmit = function() { if (!! this.__form.mfi_save) return; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'uploadStart', [this]); BX.bind(window, 'beforeunload', BX.proxy(this.UploadLeave, this)); BX.bind(this.iframeUpload, 'load', BX.delegate(this.UploadResponseIframe, this)); if (this.dropbox) { this.onProgress(0.15); if (this.fileInput && (this.fileInput.files.length > 0)) { var fileNode = this.fileList; fileNode.file = this.fileInput.files[0]; } var arConstParams = this.GetInputData(this.__form); this.fileNodes = [this.fileList]; for (i in this.fileNodes) { if (this.fileNodes[i].file) { var fd = new BX.ajax.FormData(); for (item in this.fileNodes[i].data) { fd.append(item, this.fileNodes[i].data[item]); } if (!! Object && !! Object.keys) // for IE 10 .... { var keys = Object.keys(arConstParams); for (var k in keys) { var key = keys[k] var cons = arConstParams[key] fd.append(key, cons); } } else { for (item in arConstParams) { fd.append(item, arConstParams[item]); } } fd.append('mfi_files[]', this.fileNodes[i].file); fd.send( this.uploadFileUrl, BX.delegate(function(ajaxdata) { this.UploadResponse(null, ajaxdata); }, this), BX.delegate(this.onProgress, this) ); } } } else { this.onProgress(0.15); this.WDUploadInProgress = true; var fid = this.__form.id; BX.submit(this.__form, 'mfi_save', 'Y'); } } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.onProgress = function(percent) { if (isNaN(percent)) return; BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'progress', [percent]); } window.BlogBFileDialogUploader.prototype.onError = function() { BX.onCustomEvent(this, 'uploadFinish', [{success: false, messages: this.msg.upload_error}]); } top.BlogBFileDialog = window.BlogBFileDialog; top.BlogBFileDialogUploader = window.BlogBFileDialogUploader; top.BlogBFileDialogDispatcher = window.BlogBFileDialogDispatcher; window.MFIDD = function(params){ BX.loadCSS('/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.file.input/templates/drag_n_drop/style.css'); var status = (params["status"] === 'show' ? 'show' : (params["status"] === 'hide' ? 'hide' : 'switch')); if (status == 'switch') status = (params['controller'].style.display != 'none' ? 'hide' : 'show'); if (! params['controller'].loaded) { params['controller'].loaded = true; var dropbox = new BX.DD.dropFiles(), variant = (dropbox && dropbox.supported() && BX.ajax.FormData.isSupported() ? 'extended' : 'simple'); top['BfileFD' + params['uid']] = window['BfileFD' + params['uid']] = new BlogBFileDialog({ 'mode' : variant, 'CID' : params['CID'], 'id' : params['id'], 'upload_path' : params['upload_path'], 'multiple' : params['multiple'], 'controller': params['controller'], 'inputName' : params['inputName'], 'fileInput' : ("file-fileUploader-" + params['uid']), 'fileInputName' : "mfi_files[]", 'msg' : { 'loading' : BX.message('loading'), 'file_exists' : BX.message('file_exists'), 'upload_error' : BX.message('upload_error'), 'access_denied' : BX.message('access_denied') } }); BX.fx.show(params['controller'], 'fade', {time:0.2}); if (params['switcher'] && params['switcher'].style.display != 'none') BX.fx.hide(params['switcher'], 'fade', {time:0.1}); window['BfileFD' + params['uid']].LoadDialogs('DropInterface'); if (!! window['BfileUnbindDispatcher' + params['uid']]) window['BfileUnbindDispatcher' + params['uid']](); BX.onCustomEvent('BFileDSelectFileDialogLoaded', [window['BfileFD' + params['uid']]]); } else { if (status == "show") { BX.fx.show(params['controller'], 'fade', {time:0.2}); if (params['switcher'] && params['switcher'].style.display != 'none') BX.fx.hide(params['switcher'], 'fade', {time:0.1}); } else { BX.fx.hide(params['controller'], 'fade', {time:0.2}); } } } window.BlogBFileJustDialog = function(arParams) { this.dialogName = 'AttachmentsDialog'; this.agent = false; this.id = (!!arParams["id"] ? arParams["id"] : this.getID()); this.controlID = arParams["id"]; this.enabled = true; this.uploadFileUrl = arParams.upload_path; // from file.input php this.controller = (!! arParams.controller ) ? arParams.controller : null; this.CID = arParams.CID; arParams.caller = this; arParams.doc_prefix = 'wd-doc'; arParams._mkFileInput = BX.DoNothing arParams.mode = 'extended'; arParams.classes = { 'tpl_simple' : 'file-simple', 'tpl_extended' : 'file-extended' }; this.doc_prefix = arParams.doc_prefix; if (!!BX.FileUploadAgent) { this.agent = new BX.FileUploadAgent(arParams); BX.addCustomEvent(this, 'StopUpload', BX.delegate(this.StopUpload, this)); BX.onCustomEvent(BX(this.controller.parentNode), "BFileDLoadFormControllerInit", [this]); } else { BX.debug('/bitrix/components/bitrix/main.file.input/templates/drag_n_drop/script.js: BX.FileUploadAgent is not defined.' + ' You need to load /bitrix/js/main/file_upload_agent.js'); } } window.BlogBFileJustDialog.prototype.StopUpload = function(agent, parent) { this.agent = agent; id = false; mID = parent.id.match(new RegExp(this.doc_prefix + '(\\d+)')); if (!!mID) { id = mID[1]; } if (this.controller && this.controller.parentNode) BX.onCustomEvent(this.controller.parentNode, 'OnFileUploadRemove', [id, this]); var data = { fileID : id, sessid : BX.bitrix_sessid(), cid : this.CID, controlID : this.controlID, mfi_mode : "delete" }; BX.ajax.post(this.uploadFileUrl, data); } window.MFIS = function(params) { if (! params['controller'].loaded) { params['controller'].loaded = true; top['BfileFD' + params['uid']] = window['BfileFD' + params['uid']] = new BlogBFileJustDialog({ 'CID' : params['CID'], 'id' : params['id'], 'upload_path' : params['upload_path'], 'controller': params['controller'] }); BX.fx.show(params['controller'], 'fade', {time:0.2}); BX.onCustomEvent('BFileDSelectFileDialogLoaded', [window['BfileFD' + params['uid']]]); } } })(window);